8 Rules Facts Revealed For Genestealer Cults

By Rob Baer | September 26th, 2016 | Categories: Genestealer Cults, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

new genestealer cult hor

Come see EIGHT new rules facts for the Genestealer Cults straight from the new codex itself.

BoLS got their hands on a preview copy of the new Genestealer Cults book and posted a few things for us to checkout:

genestealer cult codex contents

Table of Contents is looking pretty beefy


Some new rules to boot. Looks like the heavier version of the Goliath is a BEAST! 75 points per vehicle with lots of room to shoot, and a Drilldozer blade that has yet to be seen. Plus demo charges? Call me curious for sure.

From the contents above we can glean the new following:

  • There at 8 new formations
  • One New Detachment
  • 14 New Datasheets
  • Two versions of the Goliath
  • Two Versions of Cult Sentinels (just like 2nd edition 40k)
  • Plus they have access to Leman Russ Squadrons
  • New Psychic Power Discipline called the “Broodmind”
  • From the placing on the Iconward, there may be a HQ/ Elite version of some sort of Icon bearer just like the old 2nd edition rules for them as well.

Here’s some of the new rules teasers that Phil and  Simon revealed in their Developer showcase below that we have compiled for you:

  • Hybrid Acolytes have rending claws
  • Can be backed up by Leman Russ Battletanks and climb out of Chimeras to assault their foe!
  • “Cult Ambush” Special Order (similar to Guard orders?) Let’s units dissapear and re-appear from the shadows.
  • Formations each represent a different aspect of the cult
  • Cult Insurrection Detachment confers infiltrate to the units within it which works with the Cult Ambush rule above that lets units with infiltrate withdraw to the shadows and then re-appear based on a table roll with determines where they re-appear anywhere on the battlefield.
  • First Curse Formation is the Purestrain Genestealers with their patriarch that can “plow though a Space Marine squad without breaking a sweat”
  • Astar Militarum troopers, sentinels and even Leman Russ battle tanks can be part of this army
  • Goliath Trucks are really hard to immobilize in game, with some sort of mechanic that let’s them ram though units and vehicles.

Genestealer Rumor Roundup

The Story Thus Far:

Looks like GW actively wants us to kit bash these guys with Guard!

Source B&C

White Dwarf octubre Culto Genestealer 3

White Dwarf octubre Culto Genestealer 1

The Weapons of the Cults

Codex Culto Genestealer ipad-2 Codex Culto Genestealer ipad-1 Cultos Genestealer armas pesadas

Source: Kliener Garygoyle

Der Symbiontenkult bedient sich der Feuerkraft der Imperialen Armee. Gliedert das Astra Militarum in euren Kult ein!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

The Symbiontenkult uses the firepower of the Imperial Guard. Divided the Astra Militarum in your cult a!

Best regards


goliath tanks genestealer cult truck

goliath tanks genestealer cult truck

Behold the Goliath from Dakka

White Dwarf octubre Culto Genestealer 4White Dwarf octubre Culto Genestealer 2

Checkout the rest of the images that are flying around Facebook today:

UPDATE: These pictures look to be from a preview of the Codex Genestealer Enhanced Edition (which currently is time locked to North America)


Here’s the larger cropped images that are going around Facebook:

genestaler cult vehicle limogenestaler cult vehicle limo

Looks like there are several versions of the the vehicle that everyone has dubbed “the limo”. One seems to have drilling augurs on the front dozer. One seems to be an open topped transport, and one has an armored top with some sort of heavy weapon.

More as we know it folks, this kit is quickly turning into a fan favorite and we don’t even know it’s name yet.

Genestealer Rumor Roundup

Previous Teasers:

These are spinning around the web already this morning. Checkout wave 1 of the new Genestealer Cult:

Source: Tyranids (Facebook Group)


new genestealer cult codex image picture leaks models

new genestealer cult codex image picture leaks

So it appears that the Acolytes box contains both generation 1 and 2 Genestealers, while the Neophyte box contains generation 3, and 4 genus’ respectively.

The new weapons look fresh for sure, and I am wondering if the Acolyte with the bonesword and lashwhip is a sergeant type model or a new model type altogether?

Checkout the complete Genestealer Cult Wave one release list below!

Complete Wave One Release List in USD: 

  • Codex: Genestealer Cult –$50
  • Datacards: Genestealer Cult – $13.5
  • Dice: Genestealer Cult $20
  • How To Paint: Genestealer Cult $10
  • Genestealer Cult Acolyte Hybrids $40
  • Genestealer Cult Neophyte Hybrids $40
  • Legends Genestealer Cults (Novel) $24
  • Genestealer Cults Limited Edition $195 

Genestealer Rumor Roundup