A New Age of Sigmar Starter Box Has Been Revealed By GW!

By Rob Baer | March 14th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

age of sigmar stormcast cover book smDon’t miss the brand new Age of Sigmar Box Starter Set that Games Workshop just revealed at the GAMA Trade Show event. 

In a recent Dice Tower interview Games Workshop revealed a new Age of Sigmar standalone game/box Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Thunder & Blood! Thunder & Blood

A Warhammer AoS Starter SetThunder & Blood

It comes with a two sided thick vinyl game play mat, and the box that slides out and holds the contents can be flipped upside down and used as a piece of terrain. I guess this isn’t just one you’ll be throwing away after ripping into it.

Thunder & Blood Thunder & Blood

The Box Becomes Terrain, Somebody is thinking at GW for sure now!

The models are push fit, and come in colored plastic, instead of the standard grey we’re used to seeing. The Khorne Bloodbound is coming in red, while the Stormcast are made out of a nice gold. Quite possibly making painting a bit easier…

Thunder & Blood

Red Chaos Aos Starter Box Sprues

Thunder & Blood

Gold Stormcast Aos Starter Box Sprues

Recolored AoS Starter Sprues look to be in our future! All in all this was a just quick look at the new box set. It will be available sometime during the summer, and it won’t be at a special event or anything, it’ll be released with other standard weekly releases.

GAMA Trade Show is just starting, so be sure to stay tuned for all the latest updates.

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