Spooky Bits For a Spooky Season: GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horA new GW rumor engine is here on the last day of summer that looks like it could be a spooky bit for the new Underworlds or perhaps something else…

Games Workshop just unveiled another rumor engine and this time it looks like a new base featuring a small skull altar!

Check out the details of the latest model that looks to be on the way for 40k or AoS from Warhammer Community.

Spooky Bits For a Spooky Season: GW Rumor Engine

This new rumor engine definitely looks like it’s for AoS with strong possibilities for Soulblight Gravelords, Kruleboyz, and/or possibly even any other death faction. There is also a lower chance it might even be for Stormcast or even just a terrain piece.

Radukar the Beast modelWhile there are tons of potential possibilities, my money is on Soulblight Gravelords and the remaining characters we still haven’t seen from the Cursed City set. Based on the art we’ve seen and some rumor engines, we know with relative certainty there were a few models we never got to see come to fruition.

Looking at some of the bases, this new rumor engine really seems to follow the same theme of swampy-wood and some skulls.

Of course, it could also be another one of the mentioned factions, or surprise us all and even be a 40k bit…

What do you think this is? 

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