Acid House Terrain Fantasy Kickstarter is Live!

acid house kickstarterGet some awesome easy-to-set-up terrain with the Acid House Terrain Fantasy Kickstarter that might just be the perfect project to back!

If you want to take your gaming on the go, this is the project for you. The project allows you to fit an entire tabletop in a small box. This is the third project that they’ve done, and with the success of the two sci-fi styles, they were able to take it to the fantasy streets! 

The project is fully funded and hitting stretch goals like crazy. So no worries about it not getting sent out. Plus, with them already hitting stretch goals, you’ll be able to get all kinds of stuff. If you love all things terrain, this is totally worth a look!

Acid House Terrain Fantasy Kickstarter is Live!

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acid house kickstarter 3This set of terrain is not only stunning and easy to build, but they are also water-resistant as well. So you just really can’t go wrong here.

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acid house kickstarter 5This makes perfect terrain for basically any type of fantasy game! Plus, with the different pledge levels, you can get up to a massive amount of terrain, or you can go smaller and get enough for a smaller board.

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Literally, that’s all you need to bring your terrain to a table. If you want to talk about portable, it doesn’t get better than this. With hobby stuff taking up so much room, it’s always nice to have something small like this.

Pledge Levels

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acid house kickstarter 11You can go giant or small with this project! Whether you just want a small amount of terrain or enough for basically an entire store, they have you covered!


acid house kickstarter 12This is just one of the awesome add-ons you can get, so there are really just tons of ways to customize your terrain setup.

Stretch Goals

acid house kickstarter 13They have already hit a bunch of stretch goals but have more to go, so the more we all support, the more we all get!

Click Here to Support the Kickstarter!