ADEPTICON – Get ready for 2015 Registration!

By Rob Baer | November 8th, 2014 | Categories: Adepticon 2015, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Adepticon is coming, are YOU going?

Registration opens on the 24th at 8PM, don’t miss it! Checkout the latest update below from the guys at Adeptus Windy City. -MBG


Registration Opening Soon!
We are busy putting the final touches on the schedule for AdeptiCon 2015 and it is shaping up to be another fantastic year! Not only do we have a great new location, but we will also be utilizing a new registration system, one that should alleviate the congestion issues of the past and give you more control over your registration experience. 

The full schedule should be completed by Friday, November 14th and will be made public in advance to give you time to plan your convention weekend.


Registration will begin on Monday, November 24th at 8PM CST. Last year, our most popular events sold out within hours, so act quickly to reserve your spot in the events of your choice!


Adrift in a Sea of Drafts!
Warhammer Fantasy Draft Event RulesBelow you will find several draft event rules for consumption and feedback. Please keep in mind these are still drafts, and while they have been through countless revisions and proofing, they are most likely not the absolute/final versions. Additionally, new army books, FAQs documents and the like in the months leading up to the event could require changes to the following rules. We are currently looking for feedback, most particularly in the realm of clarity.

Warhammer 40K Draft Event Rules

It has been a little over a month since the last round of Warhammer 40K draft rules were circulated and since then we have expanded the scope of our Warhammer 40K offerings and made a few minor changes to the existing events. In particular, pay attention to the Lords of War restrictions in the Warhammer 40K Championship. Additionally, you will also find a new set of draft rules for the Warhammer 40K Exterminatus event, which rounds off the trio of events offered on Thursday.

US SAGA Grand Melee Draft Rules

AdeptiCon, in partnership with Studio Tomahawk and Gripping Beast, will be hosting the inaugural US SAGA Grand Melee! Below you will find the preliminary draft rules for this event as well as a custom scenario. Please keep in mind this is still a draft, and while it has been through countless revisions and proofing, it is most likely not the absolute/final version. Ready your warlord and his band against all challengers in this epic two day event!

Stay tuned for more rules and sample missions!