Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus Is Finally Out & Get it for Free!

adeptus titanicus dominusAdeptus Titaniucs: Dominus is finally out, and there is an easy way for you to save $30 and get it for FREE even!

Warhammer-themed Video Games are a rarity and they can be hit or miss, but that doesn’t change new ones are always exciting!

Adeptus Titanicus has been needing a game, and there has been one in development for quite some time. Luckily it just officially released after nearly 3 years in Beta! Let’s check out the details.

Adeptus Titanicus Dominus: $29.99

Titanicus DOminusTitanicus Dominus is a turn-based strategy game similar to the likes of XCOM and the like but with its own ideas and twists. The game went into Beta all the way back on May 31, 2018, and now has finally released on Mar 26, 2021. This means the game was in Beta for nearly 3 whole years!

Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus features an exciting single-player campaign story that plays out over 18 missions, single-player Skirmish and Scenarios modes against an AI opponent, and an online Multi-Player mode.

Control a force of Titans
In Dominus, choose to control a force of Titans from the loyalist Legions of Astorum (Warp Runners), Gryphonicus (War Griffons), Crucius (Warmongers) or Osedax (The Cockatrices), or choose from the traitorous Chaos Legions of Mortis (Death Heads), Vulcanum (Dark Fire), Damnosus (Lords of Ruin) and Fureans (Tiger Eyes).

Get it for FREE in White Dwarf 462

wd free steam gamesLuckily for anyone who got a chance to pick up March’s White Dwarf 462, this game was actually one of the 12 games you got for free on steam! While they might still have some in stock at a store near you, this issue has been out for a while now.

These games added a ton of value to the monthly release, so if you can get it, it’s still well worth it.

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Adeptus Titancius: Dominus is currently available on steam for $30 and has been met with mixed reviews (overall positive), but if you really like epic scale content and just want to see Titans duke it out or test your strategic might, this might be the game for you!

Are you going to be picking this one up? Did you grab March’s White Dwarf?

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