Adeptus Titanicus Unboxing & A Titan Goes Missing

By Wesley Floyd | July 17th, 2018 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Warhammer 40k Rumors

titanicus hor wal

Forge World Open revealed more on what’ll be hitting the shelves shortly. Check out an unboxing of the new starter set and get the latest on a missing Titan.

It looked like Forge World tried something new this year and actually let some folks do an unboxing of the Titanicus game in front of the booth. Unforturnelty it looks like one of the models may have come up missing at the end of the day, so it unclear if this will be allowed at their next event.


The Titanicus game is rumored to be the most expensive box set we’ve seen so far, but it may also have the best value. Look for the official release date in the next White Dwarf.

In case you missed our other post on everything Titanicus from the open day, check it out now.

Adeptus Titanicus Unboxing & A Titan Goes Missing

This video comes from Sup3rSaiy3n on Youtube

We spotted a few key things in the video:

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Speaking of dice, you’ll roll some special dice to pick the character of your Titan. There’s a chance that he could rebel against you on the tabletop, but he could be a brand new fighter or a veteran of the Household.

Either way, each characteristic of your Titan will have an effect on your strategy in-game.

Adeptus Titanicus Unboxing & A Titan Goes Missing

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If you’ve played the other Knight REnegade box game before, you know that it doesn’t play the way 40k does. The Knights suffer damage to certain parts of their war machine as the game goes on.

Consequently, in this game the each of the large Titan will also come with a sheet to keep track of damage, weapons, upgrades etc.

A Stray Knight

titanicus stolen

Forge World Open was so exciting that it was rumored yesterday that a smaller Knight Titan went missing.

According to the Legion of Lies:

As some of you may have been made aware, yesterday at the Forge World Horus Heresy and Specialist Games Open Day, one of the display Adeptus Titanicus Knights was “liberated”.

Now, those of us in the community are pretty appalled by this. We have been very lucky to be shown these items up close and personal prior to release, and it shows a lot of disrespect to then think it’s a good idea to just take one away for your own benefit.

So, we in the Heresy Community are appealing for this person to return the item. It may only be something small, but the act means a lot.

Was this you? Or perhaps you know the person that did this? Maybe it was accidental (yes, in those crowds something may have got knocked into a carrier bag without realising), maybe it was intentional, we don’t know.

We are not asking for you to hand yourself in for questioning or Decimation, just simply asking that the Knight is returned to its owners. If you wish to do this anonymously, then thats fine.

Please share this message across the community. Let’s show Forge World that we actually give a shit about how they interact with us as a community.

Thank you!

Look for the Titanicus game to hit the shelves next month and stay tuned for more exclusive information on the game!

What do you think about the Titanicus game? Will you be getting a big box for yourself or splitting it with a friend?

What Legion are you painting your Titans? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.adeptus titanicus warlord titan

More on what’s coming to Horus Heresy Titanicus