Adeptus Titanicus: Walking Into Stores This Year?

titan family class

We’ve got a ton more pictures today including a rumored release date for GW’s upcoming titan combat games based on the 1988 classic!

Lot’s more on the big little game of titans that is on the way from Forge World and Games Workshop hopefully this year.

Little Plastic Soldiers and Dakka have the scoop on Titanicus!

According to J Martin who talked with Andy Hoare the game is done, and will be released this year:

The book is done, the minis are done. Titanicus is going to print next week and will be out this year
They are going to do a big release with boxed game plus extras. They pushed the schedule back a bit to flesh it out more
They have learned from BB that people are lapping Specialist Games up, so are going to get more budget for it.

Quick reference cards for the game were spotted earlier in the year and were on hand at Warhammer Fest as well.

titanicus quick ref titanicus quick ref

Reusable tracking cards for each titan look to either be mock-ups or just laminated on backer cards durability

titanicus quick ref

The three on the left are old models. For scale.

Not sure if the ones on the right are from the game, or 3D sculpted


Direct from the Specialist Game Seminar at Warhammer Fest 2017

– Detailed tabletop war game akin to a naval warfare game

– Smaller scale than 40k

– Set during the Horus Heresy

– Wide range of Titans, Knights, Terrain and Modular buildings

– New rules, inspired by the classic 1988 game

– coming soon(ish), no set date.

Sadly, it looks like that was all that was teased during the Specialist Game Seminar. For those that need more information or a refresher as to what Adeptus Titanicus is and will include, continue reading for excerpts from our previous articles!

Getting Started:

Adeptus Mech

New Imperial Knights:Adeptus Mech

We had a chat with James Hewitt after the Adeptus Titanicus seminar this morning and got ahold of some cool images from the upcoming book.

James: While the game was clearly inspired by previous editions of Titanicus, as well as Epic, it’s very much it’s own new thing. We tried to make it so that it has lots of detail, but still plays quickly. The overall gist is that it puts you in the command throne of an individual Titan, so you are directing the action as shields and limbs take damage and crew succumb to the rigors of battle.

According to J Martin who talked with Andy Hoare the game is done, and will be released this year:

The book is done, the minis are done. Titanicus is going to print next week and will be out this year
They are going to do a big release with boxed game plus extras. They pushed the schedule back a bit to flesh it out more
They have learned from BB that people are lapping Specialist Games up, so are going to get more budget for it.

According to Recalcitrant Daze:

The game is set during the Horus Heresy in the spirit of the original Adeptus Titanicus.
It will begin with just Titans.
The scale will be 8mm – They decided on this scale after 3D printing a Marine, Dread, Leman Russ, Warlord and a Mastodon in three different scales. 8mm was deemed the best as you could see the details to the point of telling different armour marks apart but didn’t make the Titans too big.
8mm will make a Warlord around 6″ tall(that’s what it looked like why Andy Hoare put his hands apart, don’t blame me if the final model is smaller or larger…).
The models will be produced in resin by Forge World.
Typical force may be in the region of two Warlords, two Reavers and two-three Warhounds.
More Titan variants are possible.
Down the road infantry and tanks are to be introduced.
Other forces are also possible, this includes Xenos which can be introduced in a themed expansion, e.g. Adeptus Titanicus: Armageddon to bring in the Orks.
Currently the Titans are being 3D modelled by Chris Drew, the Warlord has been done as the 40k version was originally 3D modelled so it was a case of just scaling things down and getting it to work as a model which can be manufactured.

This all the information we have to get by with for now, but don’t forget to checkout all the pictures from the event below:

Warhammer Fest Banner

Warhammer Fest Round-Up