Adventurer Fortune Hunters & Bandits Core Sets

AdventurersThe new Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms Adventurer Fortune Hunters and Bandits will add some serious beef to your forces in no time!

The hobby maniacs at Modiphius are constantly pumping out some amazing minis! If you’ve been looking for some alternative games to play, you have to see what they have going on. Their Elder Scrolls game is just one of their many awesome games, and it’s super fun and full of great-looking minis.

This time around they bring 2 new box sets which will really buff up your games. Plus, they are so cool you could use them for a bunch of games, even if you don’t play Elder Scrolls. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Adventurer Fortune Hunters: $53.18

Adventurers feature

These new models look amazing! As we said, even if you don’t play the Elder Scrolls game, they can be used in so many games or RPGs. If you love what Modiphius is up tosee what else they have been releasing here.


Adventurers 2

Here are the specs on this one:

For use with The Elder Scrolls: A Call to Arms Miniatures Core Rules and Chapter 3 Card Pack (expected to be available summer 2022). Expand your game with other Starter and Expansion Sets also available now.

  • 1 x Borgak Steelheart
  • 1 x Sulla Trebatius
  • 1 x Umama
  • 1 x Deeja
  • 1 x Serana
  • 1 x Dragonborn, Champion of the Dawnguard/Clan Volkihar
  • 6 x scenic bases

Bandit Core Set: $53.18



Bandits 2Here are the specs on this set:

For use with The Elder Scrolls: A Call to Arms Miniatures Core Rules and Chapter 3 Card Pack (expected to be available summer 2022). Expand your game with other Starter and Expansion Sets also available now.


  • 1 x Butcher
  • 1 x Haldyn, Pirate Battlemage
  • 1 x Raj’irr, White River Rogue
  • 3 x Bandit Warriors/Vampire Thralls/Mercenaries
  • 6 x scenic bases

Click Here to Get Your Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms Minis Here!