Age of Sigmar 3.0 Rulebook Layout & Rules Preview

Age-of-sigmar-3.0-wal-hor-title-rulesThe upcoming Age of Sigmar 3.0 Rulebook looks to have a great layout with really easy-to-understand rules- check it out!

Warhammer Community just unveiled what to expect in the new rulebook, and we have to say it looks great! If the entire thing is set up like this, it will be easier than ever for new and veteran players alike to digest the rules without issue.

The good news is, with the new starter box revealed, we probably don’t have long to wait now until the full rulebook is upon us!

Age of Sigmar new rulebookIs this really going to be the best ever? We’ll have to wait and see on that!

We all know sometimes GW rules can be written in a very confusing manner, so seeing them take a step like this is awesome. The game is already hard enough to get into as it is, the last thing we need is confusing rules! Let’s get into the new layout!

Age of Sigmar 3.0 Rulebook Layout Preview

Age of Sigmar new rulebook 2All of the rules have been given a number for easy referencing, and the key sections are clarified with additional points to make everything crystal clear. You’ll also find margin notes which call out referenced rules, points to note, and examples. We asked the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Studio for an interview to give you some insights into their thought process – take a look.

The references on the left are a great addition, so you don’t have to wonder about where to look for accompanying rules. Bolding and highlighting the big rules is also really nice, just making it easy to see what to focus on. If the whole book follows this layout, we’re definitely happy with how it’s turning out!

GutrippazWith these new rules creating the best battle system yet, those taking their first brave steps into the Mortal Realms can quickly get comfortable with the basics, before drilling down to learn more about each phase.

As an added bonus, when you’re in the thick of battle and need to check a rule, the new layout helps you find the section you need so you can get back to rolling dice fast.

The video has some great insight into the book, so check it out if you have a minute.

Do you like the new layout? Are you excited about the new edition?

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