Age of Sigmar Broken Realms Be’lakor Revealed

aos-broken-realms-be'lakorThe bigger and better-looking Be’lakor Daemon Prince looks to also be receiving a full rules book in Broken Realms: Be’lakor!

Warhammer Community put out a reveal trailer for the next book in the Broken Realms Saga after Teclis, which will be Be’lakor! Let’s check out his model one more time then cover the details.

Be’lakor Daemon Prince Getting A New Miniature

If you blinked you may have missed it, these snippets were shown at the end of the latest GW preview, which seems to indicate a new Be’lakor miniature is on the way. If so it probably won’t be too long before the internet dubs him, SWOLE-akor !

This is the current model for him, take a quick look, and then dive into the new sculpt screencaps below!

Be'lakor Daemon Prince old

A lot of this model’s features match up with the teaser below, from the hooks on his tabard and wings to his horns, and chest tattoo.

Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview


Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview


Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview


Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview


Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview


Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview


Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview


Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview

According to GW’s current listing for the Finecast Model:

Be’lakor, Chaos Daemon Prince, has known many different names. He is a creature who wields unholy weapons and abilities, and a figure who once commanded legions of unnatural beings.

  • First Damned
  • Father-in-Shadow
  • Harbinger
  • One Who Heralds the Conquerors

Be’lakor does have many names, but most importantly he is the very FIRST Daemon Prince of Chaos, which that should seal the deal that this preview is for an updated model for him.

His current model is on a 40mm round base, so hopefully this new sculpt will put in at a 60mm that the other Deamon Princes are on, or perhaps even a larger one is possible too.

Either way, we can’t wait to see what the new sculpt will look like completely and his updated rules for both 40k, and Age of Sigmar as well!

Speaking of Age of Sigmar…

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Age of Sigmar Broken Realms Be’lakor Revealed

During GWs Sunday preview, they sneaked in a video announcing the next in the Broken Realms saga, Broken Realms: Belakor.

The video starts out with Stormcast getting hammered by chaos until the big man himself shows up…

belakorWith the scene ending with Be’lakor’s arrival, we can see that he does look much bigger like his model teasers also showed. There is a huge emphasis on darkness, so hopefully, the new book will also emphasize that aspect of Be’lakor.

broken realms belakorThere isn’t much to go off of in terms of contents, but an announcement is a great start. Both Morathi and Teclis have super impactful books (with new Realm-lords rules coming in Teclis’) with Morathi’s even including her ascension to godhood. Be’lakors is sure to contain similarly impactful developments assuming it follows the pattern of the previous books.

That is of course after Teclis comes out.

Do you play Daemons or Slaves To Darkness? What do you think of this new sculpt so far?

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