By Rob Baer | June 29th, 2015 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

age of sigmar header
Saddle up Fantasy fans, the Age of Sigmar is being revealed.  Games Workshop is changing it up, for good?

Ok, first some basics on the set:

Price: $125
Rules : Included in box + Free Download
Backwards Compatibility: 100%, rules for EVERY EXISTING WFB mini will be provided.
Box contents:

  • 47 plastic miniatures – 18 Stormcast Eternals and 29 Warriors of Khorne.
  • A 96-page Warhammer Age of Sigmar background book – exclusive to the box set.
  • A 4 page rules sheet.
  • 12 dice, 2 range rules and 2 transfer sheets.

Now the New rules items:
Via Dr. Caligari 6-29-2015
White Dwarf
– WD 75 WILL include a free Stormcast Eternal.
– WD 75 will include all four pages of AoS rules in it.
– There are no point values in Age of Sigmar.
– All units will be represented by warscrolls.
– If your side is severely outnumbered, there are several “Sudden Death” objective you can pick from that success will result in your victory.
– Warscrolls have all the rules for the models with them.
– New models will come with warscrolls in their boxes.
– Army books are gone.
– Bases will not matter.
– Measurement is based on closest point of the models. (So yes, a sword that thrusts well past your base is where you’ll be measuring from.)

So it looks like you can play with ALL your minis in this new game, yes?
The time is now! Rally your troops GW is pulling out all the stops for this release. Prepare for glory this one looks FUN!

Get the latest on the roundup below!

Age of Sigmar Roundup

~Wait a minute this seems like Warmachine….