Aggressors Have Another 40k Combo To Watch Out For Post FAQ

Aggressors Lore Space Marines WalRaven Guard took a hit in the latest Space Marine FAQ. However, they might be able to spring back with some Aggressors as a key 40k unit. Check this out.

We saw every Space Marine faction get FAQ’d recently and while GW fixed the way Doctrines work, they paid especially close attention to some of the more popular Chapters popping up on the top tables.

Among those was the Raven Guard. Yeah, they took a hit but they may be able to bounce back without too much trouble.

The Hit that Raven Guard Took

Raven guard hor wal


master of ambushIf you saw Raven Guard on a top table at an event, it’s because they were probably spamming Centurions. With their ability to take one of the least-mobile units in the game and have them appear extremely close to the enemy turn one, it propelled Raven Guard to the top brackets. There are different kinds of Centurions, but one of the more popular loadouts were the Assault Centurions with flamers. These are T5, 4W 2+ Sv Infantry models that could be escorted to the frontline along with the Warlord. However, Centurions are now off the menu for the Warlord Trait.

Raven Guard still have a few mobility strats that work, but this was a big hit to the overall current strategy for the army.

Aggressors Have Another 40k Combo To Watch Out For Post FAQ

deathwatch aggressorsLooking toward the Aggressor, they’re a close enough match to the Centurions where we may be seeing them get swapped out as the next best thing. The key factor being that they can still be selected as a target for the Master of Ambush Warlord Trait.

aggressor statsThey lack a wound and only have a 3+ armor save, but even with the most expensive loadout, they’re still cheaper than Centurions currently. Plus, when you factor in things like the ability to shoot twice if they stand still, they can do some real damage if placed properly.

One of the big hindrances of running Aggressors with the dakka is that they only have a base 18″ range. But even if you didn’t deploy them in the enemy’s face, you could always have these guys start the game relatively somewhere in the middle of the board and unload on something that moves within range. All while the rest of your army is advancing forward to meet up with them.

raven guard primaris wal

It sounds like a solid strat on paper but we’ll have to watch the meta to see what happens with these guys. Raven Guard players could scrap the strat all together and move on to something new.

What do you think about Aggressors as an alternate choice to Centurions? Do you run Aggressors currently?