Airbrushing for Beginners: How To Airbrush Tutorial

Beginners Airbrushing rAirbrushing doesn’t have to be hard, check out this How To Airbrush for Beginners guide from the Army Painter to get started today!

The Army Painter is known for having some of the best and most affordable paints on the market! But they also have an extensive collection of tutorials and paint guides. Their tutorials are perfect for learning how to get your minis on the table. If you want to see everything The Army Painter has going on, check it out here.

Today they are walking us through something that’s simple, but most of us take it for granted. How to get started on airbrushing your minis. This is geared towards newer people but has some good tips for veterans as well.

Just as a note, all the paints used in this video will be from them, which you can pick up all the colors here.  Let’s see how to do it!

Airbrushing for Beginners: Army Painter Tutorial

Before we get into the tutorial, you need some paints. If you haven’t heard, they have recently come out with an awesome line of airbrush paints! We’ll highlight some of them for you, but they are just all awesome! Check out the different sets below to get started!

Warpaints Air Starter Set:

Warpaints Air

The paints are of unparalleled quality due to the nature of the high coverage offered by the specially chosen and ultra-filtered vibrant pigments. This, combined with a very stable and matchless resin solution, is paint science at its best!

12 x 18 ml Warpaints Air
1 x 100 ml Warpaints Air Primer

Warpaints Air Mega Set:

Warpaints Air 3

All Air are pre-mixed and airbrush-ready right out of the bottle and made from ultra-filtered vibrant pigment. The range has been developed in a unique and innovative Triad System – each matching Warpaints Acrylics colour has a corresponding Base and Highlight colour. This makes highlighting and zenithal shading a breeze and army painting even faster and more cohesive.

50 x 18 ml Air
9 x 18 ml Air Metallics
1 x 18 ml Warpaints Air Fluo

Now, let’s get into the tutorial!

Priming With an Airbrush

Beginners Airbrushing 2Since these are all 100% color matches, you can apply them through priming or the airbrush, they’ll be using Matte Grey. Just get good coverage here and be sure to cover all the plastic.

Applying a Basecoat & Highlights

Beginners Airbrushing 3He’s going to start with Broodmother Purple to start. He does a nice even coat all over the model with this. Then he loads up Alien Purple and does a top-down highlight.

Beginners Airbrushing 4Now for a final highlight here, he goes with Coven Purple as an extreme highlight, again from the top down and only hitting the smaller details throughout the mini.

From there you can detail and base the miniature as you like!  This is just a quick and easy way to save yourself time with the airbrush!

Be sure to follow The Army Painter on Youtube for more great content like this.

Get Your Army Painter Paints Here!