All The New Orks Codex 40k Rules: REVIEW

By Andrew Schrank | October 17th, 2021 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

orks_op podcastThe new 40k Orks are here – from Stratagems, Traits, Datasheets, and army-wide rules, check out our review on what the army can do!

Similar to the Sisters of Battle and Lumineth Realmlords rollout, this codex will first be available inside a new Army Box. In the future, it will be available separately. While the box is already sold out at GW, if you are curious, you can check the contents here.

All The New Orks Codex 40k Rules: REVIEW

beast snagga ork codexTons of rule previews have been coming out for a while over on Warhammer Community, but it looks like all the weapons profiles and points rules can be found online over on Imgur.

If you missed any of our previous posts, can check out all the new Ork rules from our articles below. Additionally this week, the crew at the Long War talked about Orks, so check that out if you are interested!

Our Favorite & Most Powerful 40k Orks Units: Episode 301

Podcast Table of Contents:

  • 00:00 Opening Jokes
  • 02:22 Wyatt’s Cave Of Wonders
  • 6:28 Rob Baer Memorial News Desk
  • 33:03 Orks

All The New Orks 40k Rules: Traits, Psychics, & Relics

ork warlord traits

Starting off, we’ve got the good ‘ol base Ork Warlord Traits. Of the 6 options, 2 look a little bit stronger than the rest. Big Gob adds 3″ range to the Warlord’s aura abilities, which Orks have a decent amount of, making this a fantastic option. ‘Ard As Nails forces opponents to subtract 1 from wound rolls against your warlord. Assuming the Warlord of your choice has decent toughness, this might be a guaranteed 5+ roll for the majority of the opposing weapons!

ork warlord traits 2

As for the Beast Snaggas, they have 3 options and the best is most likely Half-Chewed. Getting a 4+ FNP is nuts if it’s on a model that will spend most of its time in melee anyways. If you are taking a Boss on Squig, this might be a fantastic option, making him incredibly tough to take down.

Speed Freeks also have 3 options with the best being Roadkilla. Many of the Warlord options have decent saves and some invulvns, meaning extra damage might be nice to have. 66% chance to deal D3 Mortals is not bad at all, especially if you get around 3 charges in a game, that’s just free damage!

Psychic Powers: WAAGH Discipline

power of the waagh disc 1

Moving onto psychic powers, The WAAGH discipline has some good options, especially Da Jump which is known far and wide as a fantastic power. It might be a returning power, but that’s a good thing as it’s often one of the strongest options they had in the past.

power of the waagh disc 2

Another great option is Fists of Gork, which has the potential to superpower your melee units for a turn. Adding two to Strength and Attacks is no small feat, and if you roll high enough on the test, you get a whopping 3 bonus to each. Assuming this is placed on a melee unit, they’ll go from a melee threat to a melee machine that opponents cant allow getting into combat.

Psychic Powers: Beast Head Discipline

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Moving onto their second discipline Beast Head. Frazzle looks pretty good as a shorter range smite that can hit multiple enemy units. If there are multiple units, this power can deal a ton of damage.

beast head disc 2

Squiggly Curse serves as another good AoE option. If you target a large blob unit, you should on average deal mortal wounds equal to half the number of models. Furthermore, if any models die, each enemy within 6″ of the targetted unit also takes a mortal wound, getting in some free chip damage!

Ork Relics

ork relics 1

Moving onto the Ork relics, Da Krushin’ Armor looks like a great choice for added durability. Getting a 4+ invulvn and +1 to armor saves is a great boon. If those weren’t enough, the model also dishes out mortal wounds on a 2+ after charging in.

ork relics 2

Beasthide Mantle looks pretty nice, giving a melee-focused character an extra Attack might be enough to push him over the edge. The addition of a 5+ FNP is also fantastic, making the model even harder to kill, while also more deadly in melee. Combine this with Fists of Gork and you’ll have an unstoppable melee machine, at least after they get into CQC.

That does it for all of the Traits, Psychics, & Relics!

If you have trouble reading our screencaps, you can see the full images below. Be sure to check out all the other new Ork rules from our previous articles as well!

Check out all these new rules for the Orks Here

What are your favorite changes for this faction so far?

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