New Orks & Beast Snagga 40k Rules: Stratagems

orks-codex-new-rulesThe new Orks are here- check out all their new Stratagems for Warhammer 40k that will be hitting tabletops very soon!

Tons of rule previews have been coming out for a while over on Warhammer Community, but it looks like all the Stratagems can be found online over on Imgur.

beast snagga ork codexSimilar to the Sisters of Battle and Lumineth Realmlords rollout, this codex will first be available inside a new Army Box. In the future, it will be available separately. While the box is already sold out at GW, if you are curious, you can check the contents here.

New Orks & Beast Snagga 40k Rules: Stratagems

ork strat 1

Out of these first three, Careen! looks good. The best part about this stratagem is that it doesn’t say “6 inches towards enemies”. That means if you’ve got a vehicle that exploded in your backline, you can force them to move 6 inches to the side and save some of your troops.

Another great thing is you choose this stratagem after you know it’s going to blow up, meaning you don’t have to waste a CP if it won’t even blow up.

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Rounding out the first page, Tough As Squig-Hide looks like an option with a lot of potentials. If you have a large unit, being able to force fail wound rolls can be very strong. Whether it’s a high-strength weapon, or maybe one with special rules against the target, 1-3 will auto fail! The bigger the unit, the better this gets as they are probably getting shot at by more rounds.

Breakin’ Heads is also pretty good as you can essentially save half a squad of boys if they are at risk to flee.

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On the second page, Big Boss is great. We’ve seen this style of rule for most factions now and if they have decent warlord traits, then this option is definitely worth it. Buffing up a character for the entire game, or gaining a new aura is very strong for only 1 CP.

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After finishing the second page, there are a few more worthy options. Lumbering Strides seems pretty niche, although good at ensuring your Stompa and -Kanauts can make it into melee consistently. This stratagem makes it much easier to get a 9″ charge off.

Tellyporta is also strong, allowing you to deep strike a unit in later with a rating of 20 or less instead of setting them up normally at the start of the game.

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Monster Hunterz is pretty sweet, considering you get to affect 3 of your units for only 2 CP! While you have to select a single enemy, this will really let you bring down whatever big target you’re going after, and bringing down a big monster or vehicle for 2 CP is almost always worth it.

More Dakka! is also a great option, essentially letting you fire Dakka Rapid Fire weapons at full range, doubling your damage threat for that turn from that unit.

If you have trouble reading our screencaps, you can see the full images below. Be sure to check out all the other new Ork rules from our previous articles as well!

Check out all the new Stratagems for the Orks Here

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