List of All 863 New Games Workshop Product Prices

gw price increase list new hikesHere is the complete list of all the price changes for the 863 products that will cost you more from Games Workshop starting in June.

It looks like not even your hobbies are safe from the rising tides of inflation, as GW is set to introduce some new prices on June 10th. However, it seems like GW has to profit from this (their profits have been rising, and that is after they cover costs), as other stores are decreasing prices to compete for more customers. GW doesn’t seem worried about that. We’ll have the average price increase, notable increases, and everything going up.

All the Games Workshop Price Changes

Here is the latest on Games Workshop’s global price increases from Warhammer Community.

GW Price Increase 2

It’s an unfortunate truth that the world keeps getting more expensive. Prices for food, materials, and transportation have been trending upward for a few years now, and Warhammer isn’t immune to that trend.

This means that from the 10th June we’ll be increasing some prices in our Warhammer stores and on

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The price changes for individual products will vary, but in most countries the average change will be between 3% and 5%.* As an example of what you can expect, a squad of Necron Warriors goes up $2 from $50 to $52, £30 to £31.50, and €40 to €41 (or local currency equivalent).

The prices of some of our products aren’t changing, such as paint pots and paint sets,  White Dwarf, and Black Library products (including digital publications). 

* In Sweden and Norway, the average price change will be between 8% and 14%.

Overall, this announcement is a little later in the year and slightly less of a change than last year’s adjustment in February 2023, which was supposed to have an average increase of about 6%.

Notable Increases & Average Price Increase

new-battleforces-space-marinesFrom the information retailers provided us, as notified by Games Workshop,  there is a 4.6% average increase on 836 items across the Warhammer range.

Last year, the average increase was 6% across the range, so technically, this year’s increase is a smaller percentage than last year’s. Let’s look at some of the notable price increases in the US dollar.

  • Combat Patrols up to $168 from $160.
  • Battleforces go from $210 to $215 and $230 to $240, respectively.
  • $60 units (a giant amount of kits in the range) are now $62.50.
  • $80 Old World kits (again, a vast majority) go up to $85.
  • $180 (Things like large Knights) products to $194. However, the Monolith went from $185 to $194.
  • Questoris Knights go from $170 to $179, and Banebalde from $170 to $185.

Is this Worth It & Value Cheap aos vanguard values box savings pricing spearhead 3

  • Spearhead / Vanguards boxes up to $145 From $140 
  • Horus Heresy $80 units to $84 ($1 less than Old  World).
  • Brushes up $1 to $1.50 each.

Keep in mind that this list is just pricing to retailers, so Games Workshop can still raise prices on things like Forge World and other direct/ exclusive items on their webstore.

As a quick reference to the majority of increases, $40 goes to $42, $60 goes to $62.50, $42 to $44, $55 to $60, or $58, depending on the unit. It’s a little curious that things like Drop Pod went up to $58, but the Razorback went to $60, both from $55 originally.

Which Warhammer Products Are Not Increasing?

No price changes topped $200 with the increase, and they left codex books, along with the Daemon Primarchs.

Black Library Books, Paints (but not brushes or hobby accessories), and the White Dwarf Magazine are set to resist this next price increase of 3%-5%.

Would GW Still Profit without the Increase?

price-increases-games-workshop-womanDespite all the inflation GW promises is happening on their shipping and gross costs, their profit has increased yearly over the past three years. So, while inflation is hitting everyone hard, Games Workshop has still been seeing wins as a whole.

Games Workshop recently released an interim financial report on January 9th, which sheds light on the costs involved in running the business. The report covers the firm’s financials for the six months until November 26, 2023. The company’s core gross margin measures the percentage of revenue left after covering all the costs associated with manufacturing miniatures and delivering them to customers before paying for the rest of the business operations or taxes.

It’s an unfortunate truth that the world keeps getting more expensive. Prices for food, materials, and transportation have been trending upward for a few years now, and Warhammer isn’t immune to that trend.

They say the price increase is due to rising materials, factory costs, fuel, etc. However, their interim financial report on January 9th report states that the firm’s core gross margin is 69.4%, an improvement from the previous financial year and the same period in the 2021-22 financial year.

GW store games workshop warhammer inverse wal hor

This improvement is mainly attributed to reduced inventory provision charges, carriage costs, and savings on materials and design. The only area where margins are identified as worse was in ‘production,’ and only by 0.1%.

In addition to the direct costs of manufacturing miniatures, Games Workshop incurs expenses for business operations such as marketing, customer services, IT support, legal counsel, and so on. Their operating profit margin is the percentage of revenue left after paying all these additional pre-tax costs, and according again to the January 9 report, this margin stood at 35.4% for the six months up to November 26.

This is also again higher than in previous years. So, that begs the question: How much have their costs increased over the last six months? Is it more than 4.6%? We’re not sure. However, we’ll never know, as GW won’t break those costs down for the general public.

So Why Did Games Workshop Increase Their Prices In Such a Bad Economy?

GW wasted million bucks warhammer 40k games workshop editorial

Overall, it’s simply unclear what is costing Games Workshop so much more that they had to increase prices when other companies are decreasing thier prices or running sales.

Also potentially troublesome is that no one knows why they waited so long to announce these price increases when they were announced in February for the past four years and went into effect in March.

Was it because there was a run on their products when it was announced they were ill-equipped to deal with an influx of orders at their warehouses? Perhaps it was because these increases would normally see a dip in sales that they didn’t want to last from February up to the end of their fiscal year on May 31st, 2024.  

So, the answer to whether GW would still profit without increasing prices is probably yes, if their previous financials are any indication.

However, if there are other issues costing them money outside of the norm like we potentially saw with a glimpse of  the Solar Auxilia Battle Group release, then it does start to make more sense to raise prices.

List of All 863 Warhammer Price Increases


We edited the price increases sheet provided to retailers for grammar and removed bar codes and store costs. This format does not work well on mobile, so we have uploaded a PDF version you can access here.

SKU Item Name  Old Price New Price % Change
102-01 Kill Team: Core Book (English)  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
102-84 Wh40K Kill Team: Starter Set (English)  $       99.00 $104.00 5%
102-88 K/T:Appr. Ops: Tac Ops/Mission Cards Eng  $       32.00 $32.75 2%
103-39 Killzone: Bheta-Decima  $     125.00 $127.50 2%
103-45 Kill Team: Nightmare (English)  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
103-74 Kill Team: Compendium (English)  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
40-03 Warhammer 40000: Starter Set (Eng)  $     110.00 $112.00 2%
40-62 Wh40K: Boarding Actions Terrain Set  $     210.00 $215.00 2%
40-65 Chap. Approved Leviathan Mission Deck En  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
64-39 Sector Imperialis Ruins  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
64-45 Battlezone Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent  $       85.00 $89.00 5%
64-55 B/Z Fronteris: Stc Hab-Bunker & Stockade  $       85.00 $89.00 5%
64-56 B/Z Fronteris: Vox-Antenna/Auspex Shrine  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
64-57 Battlezone Fronteris: Landing Pad  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
64-65 B/Zone Manufact.: Sanctum Administratus  $     100.00 $105.00 5%
64-74 Sector Mechanicus: Sacristan Forgeshrine  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
64-97 Battlezone: Fronteris Nachmund  $     240.00 $250.00 4%
64-98 B/Z Manuf.:Munitorum Armoured Containers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
66-26 Kill Team: Killzone Essentials  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
66-72 Warhammer 40000: Void War Bases  $       38.00 $40.00 5%
66-91 Sector Imperialis: 32Mm Round Bases  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
66-92 Sector Imperialis: 25 & 40Mm Round Bases  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
66-95 Sector Mechanicus: Industrial Bases  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
72-54 Index Cards: Knight Households (Eng)  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
41-10 Space Marines Stormraven Gunship  $     115.00 $125.00 9%
41-11 Blood Angels: Furioso Dreadnought  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
41-14 Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
41-17 Blood Angels Chaplain With Jump Pack  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
41-22 Blood Angels: Death Company Intercessors  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
41-25 Combat Patrol: Blood Angels  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
41-30 Blood Angels Primaris Upgrades  $       15.00 $16.50 10%
41-80 Blood Angels: Upgrades  $       15.00 $16.50 10%
44-11 Dark Angels Ravenwing Command Squad  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
44-21 Dark Angels:Asmodai Master Of Repentance  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
44-23 D/A:Belial Grand Master Of The Deathwing  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
48-02 Datasheet Cards: Space Marines (English)  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
48-06 Sm Librarian In Terminator Armour  $       38.00 $40.00 5%
48-15 Space Marines Devastator Squad  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
48-17 Space Marines: Captain With Jump Pack  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
48-21 Space Marines Razorback  $       55.00 $60.00 9%
48-23 Space Marines Predator  $       70.00 $75.00 7%
48-25 Space Marines Vindicator  $       70.00 $75.00 7%
48-27 Space Marines Drop Pod  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
48-30 S/Marines Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer  $     112.00 $115.00 3%
48-31 Space Marines: Primaris Chaplain On Bike  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
48-32 Space Marines Venerable Dreadnought  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
48-34 Space Marines Terminator Assault Squad  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
48-36 Space Marines: Assault Intercessors  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
48-37 Space Marines Gladiator  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
48-39 Space Marines Primaris Techmarine  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
48-41 Space Marines Outriders  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
48-42 Space Marines Stormhawk Interceptor  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
48-45 Space Marines Storm Speeder  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
48-48 S/M Captain W/ Master-Crafted Bolt Rifle  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
48-49 S/Marines: Sternguard Veteran Squad  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
48-50 Space Marines Primaris Invader Atv  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
48-52 Space Marines Firestrike Servo-Turret  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
48-55 S/Marines Primaris Repulsor Executioner  $     112.00 $115.00 3%
48-61 Space Marines Primaris Captain  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
48-64 Primaris Lieutenant In Reiver Armour  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
48-67 Primaris Librarian In Phobos Armour  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
48-68 Space Marines Captain In Phobos Armour  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
48-70 Space Marines Captain In Gravis Armour  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
48-71 Space Marines Primaris Reivers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
48-73 Space Marines: Lieutenant  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
48-75 Space Marines Primaris Intercessors  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
48-76 Space Marines Primaris Hellblasters  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
48-77 S/Marines Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
48-78 Space Marines Primaris Repulsor  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
48-84 S/M Primaris Lieutenant With Power Sword  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
48-91 S/Marines: Chaplain In Terminator Armour  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
48-92 S/Marines: Captain In Terminator Armour  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
48-94 Space Marines Primaris Impulsor  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
48-96 Space Marines: Primaris Ancient  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
48-97 Space Marines Primaris Infiltrators  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
53-07 Space Wolves Wolf Guard Terminators  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
53-09 Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
53-10 Space Wolves Fenrisian Wolves  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
53-11 Space Wolves Stormfang Gunship  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
53-12 Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
53-16 Space Wolves: Wulfen  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
53-17 Space Wolves Ulrik The Slayer  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
53-19 Space Wolves Iron Priest  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
53-25 Space Wolves Primaris Upgrades  $       15.00 $16.50 10%
53-26 Space Wolves Hounds Of Morkai  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
53-37 Combat Patrol: Space Wolves  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
53-80 Space Wolves Upgrades  $       15.00 $16.50 10%
55-09 Iron Hands Primaris Upgrades & Transfers  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
55-13 Raven Guard Primaris Upgrades & Transfrs  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
55-16 Salamanders Primaris Upgrades & Transfrs  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
55-18 Ultramarines Upgrades  $       15.00 $16.50 10%
55-19 Ultramarines Primaris Upgrades  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
55-21 Marneus Calgar With Victrix Honour Guard  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
55-23 White Scars Primaris Upgrades/Transfers  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
55-26 Imp. Fists Primaris Upgrades & Transfers  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
55-30 Bl: White Consuls: Captain Messinius  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
55-41 Black Templars: High Marshal Helbrecht  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
55-43 Black Templars Sword Brethren  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
55-44 Black Templars: Grimaldus & Retinue  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
55-45 Black Templars: Primaris Crusader Squad  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
55-46 Black Templars: Emperor’S Champion  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
55-47 Black Templars Castellan  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
55-48 Black Templars: Marshal  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
55-50 Combat Patrol: Black Templars  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
72-53 Index Cards: Space Wolves (Eng)  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
73-44 Combat Patrol: Dark Angels  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
103-02 Kill Team: Blooded  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
103-34 Kill Team: Fellgor Ravagers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
43-08 Chaos Space Marines: Chaos Bikers  $       45.00 $47.00 4%
43-11 Chaos Space Marines: Rhino  $       55.00 $60.00 9%
43-12 Csm: Chaos Lord In Terminator Armour  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
43-14 Chaos Space Marines: Forgefiend  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
43-15 Chaos Space Marines: Heldrake  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
43-19 Chaos Space Marines: Terminators  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
43-23 Chaos Space Marines:Haarken Worldclaimer  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
43-24 Death Guard: Biologus Putrifier  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
43-25 World Eaters: Kharn The Betrayer  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
43-29 Death Guard: Nauseous Rotbone  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
43-35 Thousand Sons: Rubric Marines  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
43-36 Thousand Sons Scarab Occult Terminators  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
43-37 Chaos Space Marines: Dark Apostle  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
43-39 Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
43-44 Chaos Space Marines Master Of Executions  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
43-45 D/G: Scribbus Wretch The Tallyman  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
43-46 Death Guard: Foul Blightspawn  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
43-47 Death Guard: Plague Marine Icon Bearer  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
43-48 Death Guard: Plague Marine Champion  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
43-50 Death Guard: Deathshroud Bodyguard  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
43-51 Death Guard: Blightlord Terminators  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
43-52 Death Guard: Plagueburst Crawler  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
43-56 Death Guard: Myphitic Blight-Hauler  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
43-57 World Eaters: Jakhals  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
43-59 Csm: Lord Discordant On Helstalker  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
43-61 Chaos Space Marines: Havocs  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
43-62 Chaos Space Marines: Chaos Lord  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
43-63 Chaos Knights: Knight Abominant  $     185.00 $194.00 5%
43-64 Chaos Knights: Wardogs  $       90.00 $94.50 5%
43-67 Combat Patrol: Thousand Sons  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
43-69 Chaos Space Marines: Sorcerer  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
43-71 Combat Patrol: World Eaters  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
43-72 World Eaters: Exalted Eightbound  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
43-75 Combat Patrol: Death Guard  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
43-76 Death Guard: Poxwalkers  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
43-77 Death Guard Lord Of Virulence  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
43-79 Thousand Sons: Infernal Master  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
43-83 Chaos Space Marine: Accursed Cultists  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
43-84 Chaos Space Marines: Chosen  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
43-85 Chaos Space Marines: Warpsmith  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
43-86 Chaos Space Marines: Possessed  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
43-87 Chaos Space Marines: Dark Commune  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
43-88 Chaos Space Marines: Chaos Cultists  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
43-99 Chaos S/M: Vashtorr The Arkifane  $     100.00 $105.00 5%
72-36 Index Cards: Thousand Sons (Eng)  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
72-42 Index Cards: Death Guard (Eng)  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
72-67 Index Cards: World Eaters (Eng)  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
50-07 Orks: Warbikers  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
50-09 Orks: Trukk  $       55.00 $60.00 9%
50-12 Orks: Nobz  $       38.00 $40.00 5%
50-13 Orks: Stormboyz  $       38.00 $40.00 5%
50-16 Orks: Runtherd And Gretchin  $       25.00 $26.00 4%
50-17 Orks: Killa Kans  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
50-19 Orks: Morkanaut  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
50-20 Orks: Battlewagon  $     115.00 $125.00 9%
50-22 Orks: Lootas  $       38.00 $40.00 5%
50-24 Orks: Flash Gitz  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
50-25 Orks: Painboy  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
50-29 Orks: Ghazghkull Thraka  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
50-32 Orks: Dakkajet  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
50-42 Orks: Boss Snikrot  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
50-46 Orks: Kill Rig  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
50-49 Orks: Painboss  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
50-53 Orks: Beastboss  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
50-56 Orks: Ork Warboss In Mega Armour  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
50-57 Orks: Boyz (Combat Patrol)  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
102-93 Kill Team: Corsair Voidscarred  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
103-41 Kill Team: Aeldari Blades Of Khaine  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
46-05 Aeldari: Farseer  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
46-13 Aeldari: Wraithguard  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
46-14 Aeldari: Hemlock Wraithfighter  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
46-17 Aeldari: Wraithlord  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
46-18 Aeldari: War Walker  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
46-19 Aeldari: Farseer Skyrunner  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
46-21 Aeldari: Wave Serpent  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
46-22 Aeldari: Dark Reapers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
46-26 Aeldari: Wraithknight  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
46-29 Aeldari: Rangers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
46-30 Aeldari: Autarch  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
46-31 Combat Patrol: Aeldari  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
46-45 Aeldari: Howling Banshees  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
46-60 Aeldari: Eldrad Ulthran  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
46-61 Aeldari: Spiritseer  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
46-62 Aeldari: Avatar Of Khaine  $     110.00 $112.00 2%
72-46 Index Cards: Aeldari (Eng)  $       25.00 $26.00 4%
102-87 Kill Team: Veteran Guardsmen  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
103-18 Kill Team: Kasrkin  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
47-04 Combat Patrol: Astra Militarum  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
47-06 Astra Militarum Leman Russ Battle Tank  $       65.00 $70.00 8%
47-07 Astra Militarum Chimera  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
47-10 Astra Militarum Valkyrie  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
47-14 Astra Militarum: Bullgryns  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
47-19 A/Militarum: Cadian Heavy Weapons Squad  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
47-20 Officio Prefectus Commissar  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
47-21 Astra Militarum Hydra  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
47-24 Astra Militarum: Baneblade  $     170.00 $185.00 9%
47-30 Astra Militarum: Gaunt’S Ghosts  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
47-31 A/Militarum: Rogal Dorn Battle Tank  $     100.00 $105.00 5%
47-33 Astra Militarum: Cadian Shock Troops  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
47-34 Astra Militarum: Cadian Castellan  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
47-35 Astra Militarum: Lord Solar Leontus  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
47-38 Astra Militarum: Attilan Rough Riders  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
47-41 Astra Militarum: Field Ordnance Battery  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
47-50 Astra Militarum: Commissar  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
47-71 Astra Militarum: Minka Lesk  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
72-47 Index Cards: Astra Militarum (Eng)  $       25.00 $26.00 4%
51-06 Tyranids: Genestealers  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
51-08 Tyranids: Hive Tyrant  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
51-09 Tyranids: Tyrannofex  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
51-12 Tyranids: Gargoyles  $       45.00 $47.00 4%
51-17 Tyranids: Hormagaunts  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
51-18 Tyranids: Warriors  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
51-21 Tyranid Tyrannocyte  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
51-22 Tyranids: Venomthropes  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
51-27 Tyranids: Parasite Of Mortrex  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
51-29 Tyranids: Lictor  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
51-30 Tyranids: Deathleaper  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
51-31 Tyranids: Norn Emissary  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
51-32 Tyranids: Neurolictor  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
51-33 Tyranids: Neurogaunts  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
51-37 Tyranids: Von Ryan’S Leapers  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
51-41 Tyranids: Biovore  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
57-11 Grey Knights Grand Master Voldus  $       38.00 $40.00 5%
57-14 Combat Patrol: Grey Knights  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
72-57 Index Cards: Grey Knights (Eng)  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
01-07 Adeptus Custodes: Custodian Guard  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
01-11 Adeptus Custodes: Custodian Wardens  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
01-12 Adeptus Custodes: Vertus Praetors  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
01-17 Adeptus Custodes: Blade Champion  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
102-91 Kill Team: Novitiates  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
103-03 Kill Team: Elucidian Starstriders  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
103-07 Kill Team: Imperial Navy Breachers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
103-27 Kill Team: Exaction Squad  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
103-38 Kill Team: Inquisitorial Agents  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
52-08 Adepta Sororitas: Immolator  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
52-09 Adepta Sororitas: Exorcist  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
52-15 Adepta Sororitas Imagifier  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
52-16 Adepta Sororitas: Dialogus  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
52-17 Adepta Sororitas Junith Eruita  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
52-18 Adepta Sororitas: Hospitaller  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
52-20 Adepta Sororitas: Battle Sisters Squad  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
52-21 Adepta Sororitas Canoness  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
52-22 Adepta Sororitas: Engines Of Redemption  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
52-24 A/S: The Triumph Of Saint Katherine  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
52-25 Adepta Sororitas: Retributor Squad  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
52-26 Adepta Sororitas Rhino  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
52-27 Adepta Sororitas: Seraphim Squad  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
52-30 Combat Patrol: Adepta Sororitas  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
52-31 Adepta Sororitas: Palatine  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
52-32 Adepta Sororitas: Sister Dogmata  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
52-33 Adepta Sororitas: Castigator  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
52-34 Adepta Sororitas: Paragon Warsuit  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
52-35 Adepta Sororitas Celestian Sacresants  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
52-36 Aestred Thurga Relinquant At Arms  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
52-37 A/S: Morvenn Vahl Abbess Sanctorum  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
52-42 Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
52-58 Adepta Sororitas: Celestine Living Saint  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
54-15 Imperial Knights: Knight Questoris  $     170.00 $179.00 5%
54-20 Imperial Knights: Knight Armigers  $       90.00 $94.50 5%
54-21 Imperial Knights: Knight Dominus  $     185.00 $194.00 5%
72-52 Index Cards: Adepta Sororitas (Eng)  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
39-12 Deathwatch: Corvus Blackstar  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
39-14 Deathwatch Watch Master  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
39-15 Deathwatch Upgrades  $       15.00 $16.50 10%
39-17 Combat Patrol: Deathwatch  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
49-04 Combat Patrol: Necrons  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
49-06 Necrons: Necron Warriors  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
49-09 Necrons Monolith  $     185.00 $194.00 5%
49-11 Necrons: Ghost Ark  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
49-14 Necrons: Canoptek Wraiths  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
49-15 Necrons: Doom Scythe  $       70.00 $75.00 7%
49-18 Necrons: Triarch Stalker  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
49-22 Necrons: Cryptek  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
49-27 Necrons Hexmark Destroyer  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
49-28 Necrons Lokhusts Heavy Destroyer  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
49-29 Necrons Canoptek Doomstalker  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
49-30 Necrons: C’Tan Shard Of The Void Dragon  $     125.00 $127.50 2%
49-31 Necrons Skorpekh Destroyers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
49-32 Necrons Ophydian Destroyers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
49-33 Necrons Psychomancer  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
49-42 Necrons: Flayed Ones  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
49-45 Necrons Chronomancer  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
49-70 Necrons: Overlord + Translocation Shroud  $       38.00 $40.00 5%
58-11 Aeldari: Skyweavers  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
58-14 Aeldari: Shadowseer  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
58-15 Aeldari: Death Jester  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
103-26 Kill Team: Hand Of The Archon  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
45-10 Drukhari Raider  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
45-11 Drukhari Talos  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
45-16 Drukhari Scourges  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
45-18 Drukhari Venom  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
45-22 Drukhari Archon  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
45-40 Drukhari Incubi  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
45-43 Combat Patrol: Drukhari  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
72-45 Index Cards: Drukhari (Eng)  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
56-07 T’Au Empire: Crisis Battlesuits  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
56-10 T’Au Empire: Devilfish  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
56-11 T’Au Empire: Hammerhead Gunship  $       70.00 $75.00 7%
56-13 T’Au Empire: Riptide Battlesuit  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
56-14 T’Au Empire: Stealth Battlesuits  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
56-15 T’Au Empire: Broadside Battlesuit  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
56-16 T’Au Empire: Cadre Fireblade  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
56-18 T’Au Empire: Stormsurge  $     185.00 $194.00 5%
56-19 T’Au Empire: Piranha  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
56-20 T’Au Empire: Ghostkeel Battlesuit  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
56-22 T’Au Empire: Commander  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
56-29 T’Au Empire: Commander Shadowsun  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
56-32 T’Au Empire: Darkstrider  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
56-66 T’Au Empire: Army Set (English)  $     220.00 $230.00 5%
103-08 Kill Team: Farstalker Kinband  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
72-97 Index Cards: Chaos Daemons (Eng)  $       25.00 $26.00 4%
97-51 Combat Patrol: Chaos Daemons  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
59-05 Combat Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
59-10 Adeptus Mechanicus: Skitarii  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
59-12 Adeptus Mechanicus: Ironstrider  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
59-13 Adeptus Mechanicus: Onager Dunecrawler  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
59-14 Ad/Mechanicus:Kataphron Battle Servitors  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
59-15 Adeptus Mechanicus: Electro-Priests  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
59-17 Adeptus Mechanicus: Belisarius Cawl  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
59-18 Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest Dominus  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
59-20 Adept/Mechanicus: Skorpius Disintegrator  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
59-21 Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest Manipulus  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
59-22 Adeptus Mechanicus: Archaeopter  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
59-23 Adeptus Mechanicus: Pteraxii  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
59-24 Adeptus Mechanicus: Serberys Raiders  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
59-27 Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest Enginseer  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
59-31 Adeptus Mechanicus: Sydonian Skatros  $       38.00 $40.00 5%
51-44 Genestealer Cults: Biophagus  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
51-45 Genestealer Cults: Clamavus  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
51-46 Genestealer Cults: Locus  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
51-47 Genestealer Cults: Magus  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
51-48 Genestealer Cults: Nexos  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
51-49 Genestealer Cults: Sanctus  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
51-52 Genestealer Cults: Neophyte Hybrids  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
51-53 Genestealer Cults: Goliath  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
51-59 Genestealer Cults: Abominant  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
51-62 Genestealer Cults: Atalan Jackals  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
51-67 Genestealer Cults: Kelermorph  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
51-68 Genestealer Cults: Reductus Saboteur  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
51-69 Combat Patrol: Genestealer Cults  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
72-38 Index Cards: Genestealer Cults (Eng)  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
103-33 Kill Team: Hearthkyn Salvagers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
69-03 Leagues Of Votann: Uthar The Destined  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
69-04 Leagues Of Votann: Einhyr Hearthguard  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
69-05 Leagues Of Votann: Cthonian Berserks  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
69-09 Leagues Of Votann: Hekaton Land Fortress  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
69-12 Leagues Of Votann: Brokhyr Iron-Master  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
69-14 Leagues Of Votann: Einhyr Champion  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
69-15 Combat Patrol: Leagues Of Votann  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
111-23 Warcry Core Book (Eng)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
112-08 Warcry: Scales Of Talaxis  $     112.00 $115.00 3%
112-09 Warcry: Crypt Of Blood (English)  $     110.00 $112.00 2%
112-11 Warcry: Hunter & Hunted (English)  $     130.00 $135.00 4%
112-18 Warcry: Pyre & Flood (English)  $     130.00 $135.00 4%
64-02 Age Of Sigmar Hero Bases  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
64-18 Realmscape: Thondian Strongpoint  $     240.00 $250.00 4%
64-53 Aos: Krondspine Incarnate Of Ghur  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
64-59 Age Of Sigmar: Megadroth Remains  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
64-87 Dominion Of Sigmar: Timeworn Ruins  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
66-96 Aos: Shattered Dominion: 25 & 32Mm Round  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
66-97 Aos: Shattered Dominion: 65 & 40Mm Round  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
66-98 Aos: Shattered Dominion: 60 & 90Mm Oval  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
66-99 Aos Shattered Dominion Large Base Detail  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
80-01 Age Of Sigmar: Extremis (English)  $     185.00 $195.00 5%
80-06 Age Of Sigmar: Realmscape Expansion Set  $     100.00 $105.00 5%
80-15 Age Of Sigmar: Warrior (English)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
80-19 Age Of Sigmar: Harbinger (English)  $       99.00 $105.00 6%
80-46 Generals Handbook 2023 – Season 1 (Eng)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
80-49 Age Of Sigmar: Harbingers (English)  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
80-50 Age Of Sigmar: Reign Of The Brute (Eng)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
80-52 Age Of Sigmar: The Long Hunt (English)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
80-53 Aos: The Mad King Rises (English)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
80-55 Age Of Sigmar: Shadow Of The Crone (Eng)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
86-36 Callis & Toll: Saviours Of Cinderfall  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
93-09 Sons Of Behemat: Mancrusher Mob  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
93-10 Sons Of Behemat: King Brodd  $     210.00 $215.00 2%
111-87 Warcry: Chaos Legionaires  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
111-88 Warcry: Centaurion Marshal  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
111-92 Warcry: Horns Of Hashut  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
111-93 Warcry: Rotmire Creed  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
111-96 Warcry: The Jade Obelisk  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
112-03 Warcry: Claws Of Karanak  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
70-01 Vanguard: Maggotkin Of Nurgle  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
70-03 Spearhead: Disciples Of Tzeentch  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
70-04 Vanguard: Slaves To Darkness  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
70-17 Vanguard: Blades Of Khorne  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
70-18 Vanguard: Hedonites Of Slaanesh  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
83-06 Slaves To Darkness: Chaos Warriors  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
83-10 Slaves To Darkness: Chaos Spawn  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
83-20 Blades Of Khorne: Wrathmongers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
83-22 Blades Of Khorne: Realmgore Ritualist  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
83-25 Maggotkin Of Nurgle: The Glottkin  $     130.00 $137.00 5%
83-28 Maggotkin Of Nurgle: Putrid Blightkings  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
83-30 Maggotkin: Phulgoth’S Shudderhood  $     130.00 $137.00 5%
83-32 Maggotkin Of Nurgle: Lord Of Plagues  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
83-49 Maggotkin Of Nurgle: Lord Of Blights  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
83-50 Slaves To Darkness: Archaon  $     185.00 $194.00 5%
83-62 Slaves To Darkness: Lord On Karkadrak  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
83-64 Slaves To Darkness: Daemon Prince  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
83-66 Std: Eternus Blade Of The First Prince  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
83-67 Slaves To Darkness Exalted Hero Of Chaos  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
83-68 Tzeentch: Curseling Eye Of Tzeentch  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
83-76 Tzeentch Arcanites Tzaangor Shaman  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
83-84 Hedonites: Sigvald Prince Of Slaanesh  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
83-90 Hedonites:Myrmidesh Painbringers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
83-93 Slaves To Darkness: Chaos Chosen  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
83-96 Hedonites Of Slaanesh: Lord Of Hubris  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
83-99 Slaves To Darkness: Warhorde Of Eternus  $     220.00 $230.00 5%
112-12 Warcry: Wildercorps Hunters  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
70-22 Spearhead: Cities Of Sigmar  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
86-06 Cities Of Sigmar: Freeguild Steelhelms  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
86-11 Cities Of Sigmar: Ironweld Great Cannon  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
86-12 Cities Of Sigmar Freeguild Command Corps  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
86-18 Tahlia Vedra Lioness Of The Parch  $     150.00 $158.00 5%
86-20 C/O/S: Fusil-Major On Ogor Warhulk  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
70-05 Vanguard: Sylvaneth  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
92-12 Sylvaneth: Alarielle The Everqueen  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
92-13 Sylvaneth: Kurnoth Hunters  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
92-14 Sylvaneth: Tree-Revenants  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
92-19 Sylvaneth: Arch-Revenant  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
92-21 Age Of Sigmar: Awakened Wyldwood  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
92-24 Sylvaneth: Warsong Revenant  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
92-27 Sylvaneth: Gossamid Archers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
92-29 Sylv: Belthanos First Thorn Of Kurnoth  $     110.00 $112.00 2%
92-30 Sylvaneth: The Blades Of Belthanos  $     160.00 $170.00 6%
70-06 Vanguard: Fyreslayers  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
70-15 Spearhead: Kharadron Overlords  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
84-23 Fyreslayers: Auric Runefather/Magmadroth  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
84-24 Fyreslayers: Hearthguard Berzerkers  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
84-27 Fyreslayers: Fjori’S Flamebearers  $     130.00 $137.00 5%
84-36 Kharadron Overlords: Skywardens  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
84-37 Kharadron Overlords Grundstok Thunderers  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
84-38 Kharadron Overlords: Grundstok Gunhauler  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
84-40 Kharadron Overlords: Arkanaut Ironclad  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
84-61 Kharadron Overlords: Codewright  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
70-07 Vanguard: Skaven  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
90-17 Skaven: Stormfiends  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
90-21 Skaven: Verminlord Corruptor  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
90-25 Skaven: Warlock Bombardier  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
112-02 Warcry: Askurgan Trueblades  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
70-09 Spearhead: Ossiarch Bonereapers  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
70-10 Vanguard: Nighthaunt  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
70-16 Vanguard: Soulblight Gravelords  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
70-24 Spearhead: Flesh-Eater Courts  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
71-11 Nighthaunt: Myrmourn Banshees  $       18.00 $19.50 8%
71-15 Nighthaunt: Dreadblade Harrows  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
91-11 Soulblight Gravelords: Grave Guard  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
91-16 Nighthaunt Awlrach The Drowner  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
91-17 Soulblight Gravelords: Ivya Volga  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
91-22 Nighthaunt: Black Coach  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
91-24 Kurdoss Valentian: The Craven King  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
91-25 N/Haunt: Lady Olynder Mortarch Of Grief  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
91-26 Nighthaunt: Grimghast Reapers  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
91-27 Nighthaunt: Bladegheist Revenants  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
91-31 Soulblight Gravelords: Wight King  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
91-32 Nighthaunt: Cairn Wraith  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
91-33 Nighthaunt: Tomb Banshee  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
91-34 Soulblight Gravelords: Necromancer  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
91-39 Flesh-Eater Courts: Jerrion’S Delegation  $     130.00 $137.00 5%
91-42 Sblight Gravelrds: Deathrattle Skeletons  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
91-43 S/Gravelords: Fangs Of The Blood Queen  $     110.00 $112.00 2%
91-46 Soulbight Gravelords: Vengorian Court  $     220.00 $230.00 5%
91-50 Nighthaunt Krulghast Cruciator  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
91-51 Lady Annika The Thirsting Blade  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
91-54 Kritza: The Rat Prince  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
91-65 S/B Gravelords: Wight King On Steed  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
91-66 Nighthaunt Craventhrone Guard  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
91-67 Age Of Sigmar: Flesh-Eater Courts Dice  $       32.00 $32.75 2%
91-69 Flesh-Eater Courts: Royal Decapitator  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
91-70 F-E Courts: Grand Justice Gormayne  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
91-71 F-E Courts: Ushoran Mortarch Of Delusion  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
91-72 Flesh-Eater Courts: Abhorrant Cardinal  $       38.00 $40.00 5%
91-76 Flesh-Eater Courts: Cryptguard  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
93-05 Deathlords Nagash Supreme Lord Of Undead  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
93-08 Nighthaunt: Spirit Hosts  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
94-22 Ossiarch Bonereapers:Mortisan Boneshaper  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
94-25 Mortek Guard  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
94-27 Kavalos Deathriders  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
94-44 O/Bonereapers: Praetorian Spearhead  $     220.00 $230.00 5%
111-95 Warcry: Hunters Of Huanchi  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
70-19 Vanguard: Seraphon  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
88-06 Seraphon: Saurus Warriors  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
88-15 Seraphon: Lord Kroak  $     130.00 $137.00 5%
88-18 Seraphon: Aggradon Lancers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
88-19 Seraphon: Slann Starmaster  $       85.00 $89.50 5%
88-22 Seraphon: Spawn Of Chotec  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
88-23 Seraphon: Kroxigor  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
88-43 Seraphon: Primordial Starhost  $     220.00 $230.00 5%
70-02 Spearhead: Gloomspite Gitz  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
70-23 Vanguard: Orruk Warclans  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
89-19 Orruk Warclans: Savage Orruks  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
89-25 Orruk Warclans:Gordrakk The Fist Of Gork  $     130.00 $137.00 5%
89-27 Orruk Warclans: Orruk Weirdnob Shaman  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
89-29 Orruk Warclans: Orruk Brutes  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
89-33 Gloomspite Gitz: Rockgut Troggoths  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
89-35 G/Gitz: Loonboss On Giant Cave Squig  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
89-46 Gloomspite Gitz: Mangler Squigs  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
89-48 Gloomspite Gitz: Squig Herd  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
89-50 Gloomspite Gitz Dankhold Troggoth  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
89-54 Gloomspite Gitz: Trugg The Troggoth King  $     100.00 $105.00 5%
89-55 Gloomspite Gitz: Trugg’S Great Troggherd  $     150.00 $160.00 7%
89-57 Orruk Warclans: Ardboy Big Boss  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
89-60 Orruk Warclans: Beast-Skewer Killbow  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
89-61 Orruk Warclans: Orruk Ardboyz  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
89-65 Kragnos The End Of Empires  $     170.00 $179.00 5%
89-67 Orruk Warclans Man-Skewer Boltboyz  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
89-69 Orruk Warclans: Swampboss Skumdrekk  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
89-73 O/Warclans: Gobsprakk The Mouth Of Mork  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
89-76 Gloomspite Gitz: Snarlfang Riders  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
89-77 Age Of Sigmar: Gloomspite Gitz Dice  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
89-83 Gloom./Gitz: Braggit’S Bottle-Snatchaz  $     130.00 $137.00 5%
89-85 Gloomspite Gitz: Grotmas Gitz  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
70-11 Vanguard: Lumineth Realm-Lords  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
87-22 Lumineth: Sevireth Lord Of Seven Winds  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
87-23 Lumineth Realm-Lords: Vanari Bladelords  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
87-54 Lumineth Realm-Lords: Alarith Stoneguard  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
87-58 Lumineth: Vanari Auralan Sentinels  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
87-59 Lumineth  R-L: Vanari Auralan Wardens  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
70-12 Vanguard: Daughters Of Khaine  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
85-10 Daughters Of Khaine: Witch Aelves  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
85-18 Daughters Of Khaine: Morathi  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
85-19 Daughters/Khaine: Khinerai Heartrenders  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
85-20 Daughters Of Khaine: Blood Sisters  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
85-34 Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress  $       18.00 $19.00 6%
85-63 Daughters/Khaine: Krethusa’S Cronehost  $     110.00 $112.00 2%
112-17 Warcry: Gorger Mawpack  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
70-13 Spearhead: Ogor Mawtribes  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
95-12 Ogor Mawtribes: Frostlord On Stonehorn  $       70.00 $75.00 7%
95-14 Ogor Mawtribes: Mournfang Pack  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
70-14 Vanguard: Beasts Of Chaos  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
81-17 Beast Of Chaos: Beastlord  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
70-21 Spearhead: Stormcast Eternals  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
70-99 Start Collecting! T/Strike Brotherhood  $       95.00 $100.00 5%
71-16 Stormcast Eternals: Celestar Ballista  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
96-23 S/Eternals: Lord Celestant On Stardrake  $     170.00 $179.00 5%
96-24 Stormcast Eternals: Dracothian Guard  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
96-31 Stormcast Eternals: Gryph-Hounds  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
96-41 S/E Evocators On Celestial Dracolines  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
96-42 Stormcast Eternals: Evocators  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
96-48 Stormcast Eternals: Stormstrike Chariot  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
96-49 S/E: Knight-Judicator With Gryph-Hounds  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
96-54 Stormcast Eternals: Stormdrake Guard  $     125.00 $127.50 2%
96-56 Stormcast Eternals: Knight-Relictor  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
96-61 Stormcast Eternals: Ionus Cryptborn  $     130.00 $137.00 5%
96-62 Stormcast Eternals: The Blacktalons  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
70-08 Vanguard: Idoneth Deepkin  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
87-27 Idoneth Deepkin: Isharann Tidecaster  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
87-32 Idoneth Deepkin: Eidolon Of Mathlann  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
87-33 Idoneth Deepkin: Akhelian Leviadon  $     140.00 $145.00 4%
87-35 Idoneth Deepkin: Akhelian Allopex  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
01-01 Middle-Earth Sbg Rules Manual 2022 (Eng)  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
01-02-60 Armies Of The Lord Of The Rings (Eng)  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
30-06-60 M-E Sbg: Armies Of The Hobbit (English)  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
30-09-60 Middle-Earth Sbg: Battle Companies (Eng)  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
30-15 M-E Sbg: Defence Of The North (English)  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
30-27 The Hobbit: Great Eagles  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
30-47 Middle-Earth Sbg: Rohan House  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
30-48 M-E Sbg: Rohan Watchtower & Palisades  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
30-52 Middle-Earth Sbg: Treebeard Mighty Ent  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
30-56 M-E Sbg:Fall Of The Necromancer (Hb) Eng  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
30-66 Middle-Earth Sbg: Ruins Of Dol Guldur  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
30-73 M-E Sbg: Mordor Battlehost  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
30-75 Middle-Earth Sbg: Gondor Mansion  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
30-77 Middle-Earth Sbg: Gondor Ruins  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
30-29 Uruk-Hai Warriors  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
30-33 Lotr: Mordor Orcs  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
30-34 Morannon Orcs  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
30-71 M-E Sbg: Isengard Battlehost  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
30-69 M-E Sbg: Elrond Master Of Rivendell  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
30-21 Warriors Of Minas Tirith  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
30-31 Easterling Warriors  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
30-72 M-E Sbg: Minas Tirith Battlehost  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
30-74 M-E Sbg: Rohan Battlehost  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
30-22 Lotr: Mordor Troll / Isengard Troll  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
30-24 Lotr: War Mumak Of Harad  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
03-01 Legions Imperialis: The Horus Heresy  $     200.00 $210.00 5%
03-21 Warlord Titan With Plasma Annihilator  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
03-23 Reaver Titan W/Melta Cannon & Chainfist  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
03-24 Legions Imperialis:Warhound Scout Titans  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
03-25 Warbringer Nemesis Titan W/Quake Cannon  $     100.00 $105.00 5%
03-26 L/Imp: Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan  $     170.00 $178.50 5%
03-44 L/Imp: Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
03-46 L/Imperialis: Civitas Imperialis Ruins  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
03-47 Legions Imperialis: The Great Slaughter  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-58 L/I: The Great Slaughter Army Cards  $       20.00 $20.50 3%
05-03 The Old World: Ravening Hordes (Eng)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
05-04 The Old World: Forces Of Fantasy (Eng)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
05-10 The Old World: Modular Movement Trays  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
09-11 Arcane Journal: Orc & Goblin Tribes  $       27.00 $28.00 4%
109-24 Whu: Voidcursed Thralls (English)  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
109-28 Whu: Rivals Of The Mirrored City (Eng)  $     100.00 $105.00 5%
109-29 Warhammer Underworlds: Wintermaw (Eng)  $       95.00 $100.00 5%
109-31 Whu: Malevolent Masks Rivals Deck (Eng)  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
109-32 Whu: Rimelocked Relics (English)  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
110-01 Wh Underworlds: Starter Set (English)  $       60.00 $63.00 5%
200-01 Blood Bowl: Second Season Edition (Eng)  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
200-03 Blood Bowl Rulebook (English)  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
200-05 Blood Bowl: Death Zone (English)  $       38.00 $40.00 5%
200-36 Blood Bowl: Elven Union Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
200-65 Blood Bowl: Halfling Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-04 Blood Bowl: Underworld Denizens Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-05 Blood Bowl: Old World Alliance Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-17 Blood Bowl Sevens Pitch  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
202-20 Blood Bowl: Dungeon Bowl (English)  $     170.00 $178.50 5%
202-24 Blood Bowl: Norse Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-26 Blood Bowl: Amazon Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-30 Dungeon Bowl: Death Match (English)  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
202-40 Blood Bowl: Gnome Pitch & Dugouts  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
202-41 Blood Bowl: Gnome Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-44 Blood Bowl: Gnome Team Cards  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
300-08 Necromunda: Hive War (English)  $     170.00 $178.50 5%
300-10 Necromunda Goliath Gang  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-11 Necromunda Escher Gang  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-20 Necromunda Orlock Gang  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-28 Necromunda: Delaque Gang Tactics Cards  $       20.00 $20.50 3%
300-29 Necromunda: Van Saar Gang  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-31 Necromunda Cawdor Gang  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-36 Necromunda: Delaque Gang  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-37 Necromunda Ambot Automata  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-38 Necromunda Kal Jericho And Scabs  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
300-41-60 Necromunda: The Book Of Judgement (Eng)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-45 Necromunda: Palanite Enforcer Patrol  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-46 Necromunda: Palanite Subjugator Patrol  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-47 Necromunda: Corpse Grinder Cult  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-48 Zone Mortalis: Columns & Walls  $       95.00 $100.00 5%
300-49 Zone Mortalis: Platforms & Stairs  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
300-52 Necromunda: House Of Chains (English)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-53 Necromunda: House Of Blades (English)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-55 Necromunda: House Of Iron (English)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-56 Necromunda: House Of Artifice (English)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-58 Necromunda: House Of Shadow (English)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-60 Necromunda: The Book Of Ruin (English)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-62 Necromunda: Goliath Stimmers & Forgeborn  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-65 Zone Mortalis Gang Tactics Cards  $       20.00 $20.50 3%
300-66 Escher Death Maidens & Wyld Runners  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-69 Necromunda:Zone Mortalis:Gang Stronghold  $     100.00 $105.00 5%
300-70 Orlock Arms Masters And Wreckers  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-71 Van Saar Archeoteks & Grav-Cutters  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-72 Necromunda: Cawdor Weapons & Upgrades  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
300-73 Necromunda: Orlock Weapons Upgrades  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
300-74 Necromunda: Escher Weapons & Upgrades  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
300-75 Necromunda: Goliath Weapons & Upgrades  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
300-76 Necromunda: Cawdor Redemptionists  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-77 Delaque Nacht-Ghul And Psy-Gheists  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-78 Necromunda Van Saar Weapons & Upgrades  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
300-79 Necromunda: Book Of The Outcast  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-83 Necromunda: Delaque Weapons  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
300-85 Zone Mortalis: Underhive Market  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
300-90 Necromunda: Ash Wastes  $     310.00 $315.00 2%
300-93 Thatos Pattern: Extended Hab Module  $     110.00 $112.00 2%
300-96 Necromunda: Ash Wastes Nomads War Party  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-97 Ash Waste Nomads Dustback Helamites  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
300-98 Necromunda: Orlock Outrider Quads  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
301-01 Necromunda: Ironhead Squat Prospectors  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
301-02 Necromunda: Cargo-8 Ridgehauler  $     100.00 $105.00 5%
301-03 Necromunda: Cargo-8 Ridgehauler Trailer  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
301-05 Necromunda: Book Of The Outlands (Eng)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
301-07 Necromunda: Goliath Maulers  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
301-08 Aranthian Succession: Cinderak Burning  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
301-10 Necromunda: Escher Cutters  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
301-12 Nec. Promethium Tanks On Cargo-8 Trailer  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
301-13 Nec: Promethium Tanks Refuelling Station  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
301-14 Necromunda: Cawdor Ridge Walkers  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
301-17 Aranthian Succession – Vaults Of Temenos  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
301-19 Necromunda: Core Gang Tactics Cards Eng  $       20.00 $20.50 3%
301-21 Nec: Delaque Vehicle Gang Tactics Cards  $       20.00 $20.50 3%
301-22 Necromunda: Van Saar A/W Arachnirig  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
301-25 Necromunda: Ruins Of Jardlan  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
301-28 Necromunda: Apocrypha Necromunda  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
31-01 Horus Heresy: Age Of Darkness (English)  $     310.00 $315.00 2%
31-32 Liber Mechanicum: Forces/Omnissiah (Eng)  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
31-83 Age Of Darkness: Liber Imperium (Eng)  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
31-84 Horus Heresy: Reference Cards  $       20.00 $20.50 3%
400-14 Adeptus Titanicus Starter Set (English)  $     170.00 $178.50 5%
400-42 Adeptus Titanicus: Loyalist Legios (Eng)  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
400-43 Adeptus Titanicus: Traitor Legios  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
400-47 Adeptus Titanicus: Campaign Compendium  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
60-36 Citadel Palette Pad (6-Pack)  $       67.50 $73.50 9%
60-38 Citadel Battle Figure Case  $     110.00 $112.00 2%
60-39 Citadel Crusade Figure Case  $     185.00 $194.00 5%
62-02 Chaos Black Spray Paint (Usa) (6-Pk)  $     114.00 $120.00 5%
62-03 Munitorum Varnish Spray (Usa) (6-Pk)  $     138.00 $144.00 4%
62-15 Mephiston Red Spray Paint (Nas) (6-Pk)  $     138.00 $144.00 4%
62-16 Macragge Blue Spray Paint (Nas) (6-Pk)  $     138.00 $144.00 4%
62-20 Zandri Dust Spray Paint (Nas) (6-Pk)  $     138.00 $144.00 4%
62-24 Leadbelcher Spray Paint (Nas) (6-Pk)  $     138.00 $144.00 4%
62-25 Retributor Armour Spray (Nas) (6-Pk)  $     208.50 $210.00 1%
62-26 Mechanicus Standard Grey Spray (Nas) 6Pk  $     138.00 $144.00 4%
62-32 Death Guard Green Spray (Nas) (6-Pk)  $     138.00 $144.00 4%
62-33 Wraithbone Spray Paint (Usa)  $     138.00 $144.00 4%
62-34 Grey Seer Spray Paint (Usa) (6-Pack)  $     138.00 $144.00 4%
62-36 White Scar Spray Paint (Usa) (6-Pk)  $     138.00 $144.00 4%
63-01 Synthetic Layer Brush (Small) (X6)  $       38.40 $39.00 2%
63-07 Synthetic Base Brush (Large) (X3)  $       26.25 $27.00 3%
63-08 Synthetic Base Brush (X-Large) (X3)  $       31.50 $33.75 7%
63-12 Citadel Small Base Brush (3-Pack)  $       27.75 $28.50 3%
63-16 Citadel Medium Shade Brush (3-Pack)  $       33.00 $34.50 5%
63-18 Citadel Small Drybrush (3-Pack)  $       26.25 $27.00 3%
63-19 Citadel Medium Drybrush (3-Pack)  $       27.00 $28.50 6%
63-21 Citadel Small Layer Brush (6-Pack)  $       64.50 $69.00 7%
63-22 Citadel Medium Layer Brush (6-Pack)  $       72.00 $75.00 4%
63-23 Citadel X-Small Artificer Layer Brush  $       28.25 $29.00 3%
63-26 Citadel Large Scenery Brush (3-Pack)  $       40.50 $41.25 2%
63-27 Citadel Medium Texture Spreader (3-Pack)  $       30.75 $31.50 2%
63-28 Citadel Small Artificer Layer Brush  $       33.00 $35.00 6%
63-30 Synthetic Glaze Brush (X3)  $       20.25 $21.00 4%
66-16 Citadel Colour Assembly Stand  $       27.00 $28.00 4%
66-17 Citadel Colour Spray Stick  $       23.00 $24.00 4%
66-19 Citadel Mixed Base Pack 1  $       15.00 $15.75 5%
66-53-99 Plastic Glue (Global) (10-Pack)  $       77.50 $80.00 3%
66-61 Citadel Tools: Knife  $       34.00 $35.00 3%
66-63 Super Fine Detail Cutters  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
66-65 Citadel Tools: Mouldline Remover  $       25.00 $26.00 4%
BF-01-60 Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress Nas  $     170.00 $180.00 6%
WQ-05 Warhammer Quest: Cursed City (English)  $     199.00 $210.00 6%
03-05 L/Imperialis: Kratos Heavy Tank Squadron  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-06 L/Imperialis: Legiones Astartes Infantry  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-07 L/Imperialis: Legiones Astartes Support  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-08 Legions Imperialis: Legion Drop Pods  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-10 L/Imperialis: Rhino Transport Detachment  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-40 L/I:Legions Astartes Thunderhawk Gunship  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-56 Legions Imperialis Spartan Assault Tanks  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-59 L/I: Land Raider Proteus Squadron  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
200-47 Blood Bowl: Chaos Chosen Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
200-57 Blood Bowl: Nurgle Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-19 Blood Bowl: Khorne Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
31-02 Legiones Astartes: Deimos Pattern Rhino  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
31-07 L/Astartes: Terminator Tartaros Squad  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
31-08 L/Astartes: Praetor & Chaplain Consul  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
31-14 Legiones Astartes: Predator Battle Tank  $       70.00 $73.50 5%
31-15 L/Astartes: Typhon Heavy Siege Tank  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
31-20 L/Astartes: Kratos Heavy Assault Tank  $     130.00 $136.50 5%
31-23 Legiones Astartes: Mkvi Tactical Squad  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
31-25 Legiones Astartes:Contemptor Dreadnought  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
31-26 L/A: Cataphractii Terminator Squad  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
31-27 Legiones Astartes: Sicaran Battle Tank  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
31-28 Leviathan Dreadnought + Ranged Weapons  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
31-29 Leviathan Dreadnought With Claws/Drills  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
31-33 Legiones Astartes: Land Raider Proteus  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
31-35 Legiones Astartes: Spartan Assault Tank  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
31-36 Deredeo Dreadnought Anvilus Configuratn  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
31-59 Horus Heresy: Predator Support Tank  $       70.00 $73.50 5%
31-60 Horus Heresy: Scorpius Missile Tank  $       65.00 $68.50 5%
31-61 Legiones Astartes: Vindicator Siege Tank  $       70.00 $73.50 5%
31-62 Legiones Astartes: Cerberus Heavy Tank  $     115.00 $118.00 3%
31-63 Legiones Astartes: Sicaran Venator  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
31-68 Horus Heresy L/A: Mkiii Tactical Squad  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
109-16 Wh Underworlds: Hexbane’S Hunters (Eng)  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
202-13 Blood Bowl: Imperial Nobility Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
06-06 Old World: Kingdom Of Bretonnia (Eng)  $     255.00 $265.00 4%
06-08 Kob: Knights Of The Realm On Foot  $       80.00 $84.00 5%
06-09 Kingdom Of Bretonnia: Pegasus Knights  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
06-11 Kingdom/Bretonnia: Knights Of The Realm  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
06-17 Arcane Journal: Kingdom Of Bretonnia  $       27.00 $28.00 4%
200-66 Blood Bowl: Wood Elf Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
03-13 Legions Imperialis: Baneblade Squadron  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-14 L/Imperialis: Solar Auxilia Infantry  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-15 Legions Imperialis Solar Auxilia Support  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-16 L/I: Solar Auxilia Basilisks/Medusas  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-57 L/Imperialis: Malcador Infernus/Valdors  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
200-17 Blood Bowl: Dwarf Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
31-69 Horus Heresy: Solar Auxilia Battle Group  $     210.00 $215.00 2%
31-71 Horus Heresy: Solar Auxilia Dracosan  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
31-73 Hh: Solar Auxilia Lasrifle Section  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
31-77 Horus Heresy: Solar Auxilia Malcador  $       90.00 $92.00 2%
109-21 Whu: Skabbiks Plaguepack (Eng)  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
200-11 Blood Bowl: Skaven Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
109-07 Whu: The Headsmen’S Curse (Eng)  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
109-30 Whu: Zondara’S Gravebreakers (Eng)  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
200-62 Blood Bowl: Shambling Undead Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-07 Blood Bowl: Necromantic Horror Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-36 Blood Bowl: Vampire Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
03-45 L/Imp: Warhound Titans With Ursus Claws  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
03-60 Legions Imperialis: Arvus Lighters  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
200-74 Blood Bowl: Lizardmen Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
31-06 Horus Heresy: Cerastus Knight Lancer  $     200.00 $210.00 5%
31-66 Horus Heresy: Cerastus Knight Castigator  $     200.00 $210.00 5%
31-67 Horus Heresy: Cerastus Knight Acheron  $     200.00 $210.00 5%
09-01 Orc & Goblin Tribes: Orc Bosses  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
09-02 Orc & Goblin Tribes: Orc Boyz Mob  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
09-04 The Old World: Orc & Goblin Tribes Dice  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
09-05 Battalion: Orc & Goblin Tribes  $     170.00 $185.00 9%
109-05 Whu: Grinkrak’S Looncourt (Eng)  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
109-26 Wh Underworlds: Daggok’S Stab-Ladz (Eng)  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
200-27 Blood Bowl: Goblin Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-01 Blood Bowl: Snotling Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-12 Blood Bowl: Black Orc Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
109-19 Wh Underworlds: Gryselle’S Arenai (Eng)  $       42.00 $44.00 5%
200-54 Blood Bowl: Dark Elf Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
202-02 Blood Bowl: Ogre Team  $       50.00 $52.50 5%
83-15 Maggotkin Of Nurgle: Beast Of Nurgle  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
83-41 Maggotkin Of Nurgle: Great Unclean One  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
83-44 Maggotkin Of Nurgle: Sloppity Bilepiper  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
97-06 Hedonites Of Slaanesh: Keeper Of Secrets  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
97-08 Blades Of Khorne: Bloodletters  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
97-09 Hedonites Of Slaanesh: Daemonettes  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
97-10 Maggotkin Of Nurgle: Plaguebearers  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
97-13 Disciples/Tzeentch: Flamers Of Tzeentch  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
97-18 Maggotkin Of Nurgle: Nurglings  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
97-19 Slaves To Darkness: Be’Lakor  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
97-26 Disciples Of Tzeentch: Lord Of Change  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
97-27 Blades Of Khorne Bloodthirster  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
97-28 Blades Of Khorne: Skarbrand  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
97-35 Blades Of Khorne: Skulltaker  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
97-50 Dexcessa: The Talon Of Slaanesh  $     125.00 $127.50 2%
97-62 Bloodmaster Herald Of Khorne  $       33.50 $35.00 4%
97-65 Hedonites Of Slaanesh: The Masque  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
07-01 Old World: Tomb Kings Of Khemri (Eng)  $     290.00 $299.00 3%
07-02 Arcane Journal: Tomb Kings Of Khemri  $       27.00 $28.00 4%
07-03 Tomb Kings Of Khemri: Tomb Guard  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
07-04 Tomb Kings Of Khemri:Sepulchral Stalkers  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
07-06 Tomb Kings Of Khemri: Necrosphinx  $       75.00 $79.00 5%
07-08 Tkk: Tomb King On Necrolith Bone Dragon  $     100.00 $105.00 5%
07-09 Tomb Kings Of Khemri: Skeleton Warriors  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
07-10 Tomb Kings Of Khemri: Skeleton Horsemen  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
07-11 Tomb Kings Of Khemri: Skeleton Chariots  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
09-03 O&G: Orc Boyz & Orc Arrer Boyz Mobs  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
09-06 Orc & Goblin Tribes: Orc Boar Boyz Mob  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
09-07 Orc & Goblin Tribes: Orc Boar Chariots  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
09-08 Orc & Goblin Tribes: Goblin Mob  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
09-09 O&G Tribes: Goblin Wolf Rider Mob  $       60.00 $65.00 8%
09-10 Orc & Goblin Tribes: Night Goblin Mob  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
09-12 Orc & Goblin Tribes: Goblin Shaman  $       29.00 $30.00 3%
56-31 Warhammer 40000: T’Au Empire Dice  $       32.00 $32.75 2%
56-48 T’Au Empire: Kroot Carnivore Squad  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
56-49 T’Au Empire: Krootox Rampagers  $       60.00 $62.50 4%
56-55 T’Au Empire: Kroot War Shaper  $       35.00 $37.00 6%
56-58 T’Au Empire: Kroot Hounds  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
56-59 T’Au Empire: Kroot Lone-Spear  $       55.00 $58.00 5%
56-67 Combat Patrol: T’Au Empire  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
06-12 Kingdom Of Bretonnia: Men-At-Arms  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
06-13 Kingdom Of Bretonnia: Peasant Bowmen  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
09-13 Orc & Goblin Tribes: Black Orc Mob  $       80.00 $85.00 6%
83-92 Slaves To Darkness Darkoath Army Set Eng  $     200.00 $210.00 5%
01-16 Warhammer 40000: Adeptus Custodes Dice  $       32.00 $32.75 2%
01-20 A/Custodes B/Force: Auric Champions  $     210.00 $215.00 2%
50-05 Warhammer 40000: Orks Dice  $       32.00 $32.75 2%
50-67 Orks: Battleforce: Stompa Boyz  $     210.00 $215.00 2%
73-01 Combat Patrol: Adeptus Custodes  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
73-50 Combat Patrol: Orks  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
03-03 Legions Imperialis: Sicaran Squadron  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-04 Legion Imperialis: Predator Squadron  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-09 Legions Imperialis:Dreadnought Drop Pods  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-11 Legions Imperialis: Malcador Squadron  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-12 L/Imperialis: Leman Russ Strike Squadron  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-17 S/Auxilia: Dracosan Transport Detachment  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-50 Legions Imperialis: Legion Fast Attack  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
03-55 Legions Imperialis: Stormhammers  $       50.00 $52.00 4%
103-30 Darktide: The Miniatures Game (English)  $     110.00 $112.00 2%
43-16 Csm Battleforce:Veterans Of The Long War  $     230.00 $240.00 4%
43-17 Csm Battleforce: Dread Talons  $     230.00 $240.00 4%
43-20 Combat Patrol: Chaos Space Marines  $     160.00 $168.00 5%
86-62 Warhammer 40000: Chaos S/Marines Dice  $       32.00 $32.75 2%
WD-22 Grombrindal: The White Dwarf (Issue 500)  $       40.00 $42.00 5%
In conclusion, the recent price increases on Games Workshop products have caused some frustration among hobbyists. Let’s hope that Games Workshop will continue to listen to feedback and make adjustments where necessary to keep the hobby moving forward and not back.

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