Amazon New D&D 5E Compatible Miniatures From Mantic!

Dungeon Adventures Miniatures featureThese new Dungeon and Dragons 5E compatible miniatures from Mantic will let you get your games off the ground in no time!

These are perfect if you’ve been playing 5E but need some miniatures to buff the game up! As they have a ton of races, monsters, and basically everything you could need! They are all super detailed and will make your games that much better!

We’ll be looking at the new stuff today, but Mantic has a giant catalog of D&D-compatible miniatures and terrain, so even if you don’t see what you want this time, they have so much more than this! Let’s take a closer look.

New Dungeon Adventures 5E Compatible Miniatures From Mantic!

Dungeon Adventures Miniatures Dungeon Adventures Miniatures 2

Dungeon Adventures are available now! These sets designed for use with Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition are perfect for beginners and veterans on Role Playing Games.

If you need any D&D minis, they have you covered! They just came out with eight new sets, but don’t worry; we’ll look at some of our favorites today.

Northern Clans: $30

Dungeon Adventures Miniatures 3

The hardy clans of the north are an amalgam of fierce outcasts from many lands. This pack contains a range of models that make great NPC encounters or minions to cause trouble along your players’ path through the frozen wilderness.

Trident Warriors: $30

Dungeon Adventures Miniatures 4

Don’t get too close to the water’s edge… you never know what’s lurking under the surface. This amazing model pack gives you a great range of watery creatures to do battle with your unsuspecting heroes.

Dungeon Bosses: $30

Dungeon Adventures Miniatures 5

New bosses for your players to encounter – from a guitar wielding ogre to a werewolf/dwarf – there’s lots of fun to be had with this great model pack.

That does it for this one, now stop looking and get yourself some new models for your RPGs!

Click Here to Get Your Dungeon Adventures Miniatures!