Amber Husaria Fantasy Football Team Kickstarter is Live!

The Amber Husaria Fantasy Football Team Kickstarter is the latest project from the hobby minds over at Heresylab- check it out!

If you like the minis from Heresylab, you’re always in luck. They pump out so many amazing minis and never seem to stop hitting us with the projects. Today we look at the grim football team set to destroy the pitch soon! 

The project has already been funded, but the stretch goals look amazing! So if you want a ton of free stuff, this is going to be a project to back. The other nice thing, they are offering this in both STL and Printed versions. So everyone can take advantage, let’s check out the project!

Amber Husaria Fantasy Football Team Kickstarter:

amber husaria football teamThe main team in all its glory! Who wouldn’t want a giant bear to play on your team? Just don’t make it mad, especially if it’s hungry… If you love what Heresylab is up to, check out what else they have put out lately here! 

Let’s hear what they have to say about the new project:

Amber Hussaria Team is a new set of fantasy football players to enhance your existing line of figurines. This team was born in conjunction with the creation of the Blood Bowl Eurocup Team and the Citizen 4.0 Amber Hussaria range. We are now seeking your help to start their production. The majority of the models are done in digital format, your pledges will allow us to cover the printing, molding and production costs. 

Pledge Levels:

amber husaria football team 4The price isn’t bad at all for these and will make for a super fun team.

amber husaria football team 5If you want to print out a ton of your own minis, this is an easy way to get them all for not much cash.

Stretch Goals:

amber husaria football team 3The first 4 players will complete the basic team of 16 models. All remaining stretch goals will give you free models to fully customize your team giving you 4 choices each for each positional model, and extra lineman. Also, a series of gadgets will be given for free as we go. 

They always have some amazing stretch goals, and we hope they hit all of them!

Size Comparisons:

amber husaria football team 6The size of these is perfect and can be used for so many things.

That does it for this one, now go grab an awesome team!

Hop on the Kickstarter Here!