Another New Horus Heresy Predator Tank Kit Revealed!

horus-heresy-support-predatorThe Predator Support tank kit will have a bunch of weapon options, including the Magna-Melta Cannon and way more!

You know Games Workshop wouldn’t leave well enough alone with a single kit, as they have been doing a lot of this with Horus Heresy, where they come out with an initial kit and then add more later on. This new Predator Support Tank uses the same body, obviously, and just a bunch of turret weapons.

It remains to be seen if they will offer the turret as a separate sprue as they did for the Contemptor and Leviathan Dreadnoughts recently.

New Horus Heresy Predator Support Tank Kit

Warhammer Community unveiled the new tank kit and how it will work. Let’s take a closer look!

New Predator Tank Kit

The Predator Support Tank delivers. Using the same datasheet as the Predator Battle Tank, this kit arrives with some of the more esoteric weapons used by the Legiones Astartes. Between them, there isn’t an enemy the Predator can’t deal with.

We hope you can just buy the turrets you want, but we’re not sure if that will happen. Either way, it’s always good to have options for weapons.

Executioner Plasma Destroyer

New Predator Tank Kit 2

Old (un)reliable, plasma has a well-earned marine-melting reputation, and the executioner plasma destroyer cranks it up a notch by adding an explosion large enough to vapourize entire Tactical squads.

Who doesn’t love the smell of plasma in the morning? Plasma Destroyers are always really exciting, and if you need to mow down some marines, this is the way to go.

Magna-melta Cannon

New Predator Tank Kit 3

Turn vehicles into instant slag with a melta cannon so powerful it rivals the main gun of a Kratos Assault Tank. Its respectable fire rate also does double-duty melting enemy elites, from Terminators to Battle-automata. 

Melta Cannons are always going to be strong and can punch through all the armor.

Flamestorm Cannon

New Predator Tank Kit 4

A favourite of the Salamanders, the flamestorm cannon is the final word in anti-infantry firepower. Powerful projectors launch flames many times further than your garden-variety flamer, torching swathes of lightly armoured targets.

If you want to destroy tons of infantry, this is the way to go!

Heavy Conversion Beam Cannon

New Predator Tank Kit 5

Conversion beam cannons are relics of the Dark Age of Technology, poorly understood but employed to great effect on Predators and Contemptor Dreadnoughts. Its distinctive beam focuses as it travels, rising in power until it punches straight through the thickest armour at extreme range and explodes in a blinding flash.

Wow, go back into the dark ages a little bit with this and destroy everything in your path!

Neutron Blaster

New Predator Tank Kit 6

Although short-ranged compared to its tank-hunting counterparts, the archaeotech neutron blaster delivers a burst of radiation with an impact that fries systems and addles crew – presuming any survive.

This is the last of the weapons in this kit, so there is plenty to choose from!

Will you be picking this new Predator Support tank up when it releases? 

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