AoS 2.0 Will Soul Wars Get Primaris Marined?

By Wesley Floyd | June 18th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Sigmarine Space Marine

Will Age of Sigmar’s Soul Wars box set get “Primaris Marined”, just like 40k’s Dark Imperium set did just one year ago? Here’s the latest AoS Release Roadmap.

The Soul Wars box set is set to usher in AoS 2.0, and the box has nothing but new models so the question is…Will they be getting the Dark Imperium Primaris treatment?

Looks like some of the new models that were previewed are going to be a generic loadout. Just like the Primaris were at first…

Dark Imperium



When the Dark Imperium box set was released, the models were all easy-to-build. There was no way to customize the stature of the model. They also all came with the generic loadout. I.e the Intercessors with their auto bolt rifle, the Inceptors with the heavy Bolter pistols and the Death Guard with only bolters etc.

Speaking of Death Guard, if you noticed in the Dark Imperium set, the Plague Marines came in a squad of 7, and then as an exclusive ETB squad of 3 on their site making a full squad of 10.

After some time passed, GW released the new multipart kit with a 10-man squad and had blight launchers.

primaris inceptor

All the Primaris eventually got their own multipart kits as Inceptors could take plasma guns along with Intercessors getting Stalker-pattern rifles.

Plus the multiple ETB kits came out around the 2017 holidays for versions of things that had already gotten a multipart kit (like the Redemptor Dreadnought). Were these ETB kits “leftover” designs that were possible includes for the Dark Imperium Starter? It’s possible that along with the ETB 3 man Death Guard squad that was the case.


Redemptor ETB 2

The upside to buying the Dark Imperium box was that it came with all the books you needed to play within 8th edition a few weeks early along with the newest models.

Is the same thing happening to Age of Sigmar? The release of the new Soul Wars box got a lot of people hyped up because of all the new units dropping inside one small cardboard box. You’re also getting all the books you need to be able to play AoS 2.0 besides the Generals Handbook, and the Malign Sorcery Set.

Soul Wars Box

aos soul wars 3

aos soul wars 1

The sheer number of models that come in the box is motivation enough to buy it. But it’s also coming with multiple books that have narrative missions and lore. Will GW release multipart kit versions of the units later down the line with weapon options? We’ve got some clues that this could be exactly what’s going to happen.

Take the Guardian of Souls for example:

nighthaunt 6

The model that was previewed at Warhammer Fest, as well as the Soul Wars box, is holding a sword in the left hand and a staff in the right. Now, look at this.

guardian of souls ebay nighthaunt early new

This was a post from earlier where a Guardian of Souls on Sprue was spotted on eBay.

If you can spot the bits on sprue, it’s definitely a Guardian of Souls because of the helmet on the bottom left. Notice he’s not holding a sword at all? It’s because he’s holding the haft of an axe. The actual axe head is at the top right. On top of that, there’s no bit for a staff at all on the sprue. But there are 2 different lantern variations with his hand holding it as a part of the bit.

This is pointing to strong evidence that kits will come out later that will have different weapon options.

More Easy-to-Build Coming?

soul wars etb

soul wars etb 2

They’ve already announced that these snap-fit models are coming shortly after the release of Soul Wars. So why did they not include the models in Soul Wars?

They’ve Done This Before in AoS

AoS bloodbound

The first box set GW came out with was also easy-to-build. It introduced new models to the game and 6 months down the road, individual box kits with more customization came out. The hype was so high everyone bought these boxes and realized they could only take one weapon option in the box set.

They had to go out and buy new kits if they wanted to give different items to models to keep it all WYSIWYG.

Dracoth Multi-Part Kit

dracoth v1

dracoth v2

dracoth v3

Just as an example, the Dracoth kit came with 3 different customization models when it finally got released in its individual box. GW also released all the units in the original Age of Sigmar Starter set as well as Multipart kits within a few months of the starter back in the dark hobby times of 2015

What is Next for Age of Sigmar?

GW has a very precise pricing model that they stick by. It looks like they put models in the boxes to create a balance of fair-playability for both players as well as units to match the desired price. It could be that adding in those additional ETB models would make the set too expensive for their liking.

Rest assured, all of the models will come out in due time and it looks like they’ll be getting their own boxes with in-depth customization.

What do you think about the Soul Wars box? Will you be splitting it with anyone? Will you wait to see what kits come out for the units further in the future? Let us know in the comments over on our Facebook Hobby Group.

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