AoS Cities of Sigmar & Orruks Coming Next Week!

By Rob Baer | September 22nd, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Orruks, Warhammer 40k Rumors

cities of sigmar orruks wal hor empire

It’s an Age of Sigmar two-fer next week! Cities of Sigmar and Orruk Warclans are releasing with all new battletomes, warscroll cards and more!

We had seen the previews already, and Warhammer Community announced that the next two battletomes and two new Start Collecting boxes will go on pre-order Saturday, Sept 28th.

Two New Battletomes Announced!

Earlier this year, we told you that EVERY Grand Alliance would be getting at least one new battletome – and we’re incredibly excited to announce the next two. Both of these books reinvent much-loved factions, bringing them into the second edition of the game in style.

orruk battletome

Battletome: Orruk Warclans takes the Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz and SMASHES them together into one awesome army – or, if you like, three awesome armies. Inside, you’ll find rules for your Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz, including powerful updated allegiance abilities for both AND a third set of allegiance abilities for the Big Waaagh! These truly terrifying hordes are formed when orruks stop fightin’ over whether armour or warpaint is better and start breaking everything else…

As if countless warscroll battalions, sub-factions, spells, artefacts and command traits weren’t enough, this book is as comprehensive a collection of Orruk lore as there ever was. Inside, you’ll discover the long (and often hilarious) history of greenskins in the Mortal Realms, right up to their role in the ongoing Soul Wars. 
To minimise the time you spend flicking through your battletome mid-game (and thus maximise the time you spend smashin’ stuff), we’d recommend you grab some Orruk Warclans Warscroll Cards. 
orruk warscrolls
Not entirely unexpected int he schemes of things, destruction has seemed to lag behind in power level since the release of the first Generals Handbook in 2016.  If I was a betting man I would put down a fat stack on a combined Ogors book in the near future as well.

Cities of Sigmar

A Living City army, for instance, could consist of battalions of hardy Dispossessed Ironbreakers ambushing from the flanks while a column of Shadowblades Dark Riders surge across the centre field, while a Hammerhal force could include bold, charging Demigryph Knights backed up by batteries of Ironweld Arsenal artillery. This book offers almost unparalleled choice to army builders, with loads of warscrolls, allegiance abilities, warscroll battalions and more!

Completely out of left field and very much appreciated by hobbyists who have been hoping for this day for 4 years, the Empire is returning.

Cities of Sigmar takes sub-factions as diverse as the Scourge Privateers and the Ironweld Arsenal and forges them into a single force. No fewer than seven sets of allegiance abilities allow you to field mixed forces of duardin, humans and aelves, with a massive roster of units available.

Yep, that’s right they said Dwarves and Elves folks! Looks like the Aleven Wanderers and possibly the Duardin Dispossessed will get rules inside yet another multi-keyword/faction tome!

With so much choice available, the only question is – where do you start your Cities of Sigmar army? Well, there’s good news – it’s about to get even easier with two new Start Collecting! sets. Start Collecting! Anvilgard gives you a selection of Scourge Privateers with which to raid the Mortal Realms, while Start Collecting! Greywater Fastness gives you a doughty company of duardin capable of shredding enemies at any range. Bear in mind that these sets can be used to start any Cities of Sigmar army, not just the ones they’re named after, making them an ideal place to begin. 


What’s more, each City of Sigmar can enlist units from Battletome: Stormcast Eternals into their main force, while Tempest’s Eye and The Living City can draw on aid from the Kharadron Overlords and Sylvaneth, respectively, as full members of your army that share your allegiance abilities.

cities of sigmar warscroll cards

With such a vast array of units available for your Cities of Sigmar forces, you’ll want to grab some Warscroll Cards too. That way you can have the rules you need easily to hand, without all that rummaging mid-game.

The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Gaming Book

A good sign for the newly previewed Warhammer 40k mini rulebook is that the AoS Gaming Book collects up everything you need from the last 1-1/2 years into one tome for matched play:

Matched play is a cracking way to experience Warhammer Age of Sigmar, whether you’re fighting a balanced bout with a friend at home or taking part in the thriving tournament scene. We know that sometimes it can be a bit of a hassle flicking through multiple books looking for your favourite battleplan, an artefact of the Realms or just a key rule, which is why we’re releasing the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Gaming Book – a curated rules collection containing the most popular supplementary content for matched play.

aos gaming book

Combining the Core Rules, Pitched Battle rules, Realm of Battle rules (including Artefacts and Spells of the Realms), the Grand Alliance allegiance abilities and 31 Pitched Battle battleplans, it’s the perfect companion for your next matched play game. 

Seem like a great idea for matched play, here’s hoping the price makes it a must-have for everyone!

What do you think about these new battletomes? Which battletome are you going to play first? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!