AoS General’s Handbook 2022 Rules Have a New Focus

Generals-handbook-2022The new 2022 AoS General’s Handbook rules are shifting the focus away from monsters to veteran infantry, who will get new bonuses!

With the book hitting shelves very soon, you know GW would release some rules about what to expect. They did say each book would give a different focus to the game, which is both good and bad. As if you went all-in on the previous rule changes, you might have to change things up again. However, for more casual players, it’s nice because if they don’t change their army up much, eventually the meta will come around.

Warhammer Community unveiled a bunch of new rules for the book and what to expect. Let’s check out the new rules!

General’s Handbook – Pitched Battles 2022-23 Season 1 $50

General’s Handbook – Pitched Battles 2022-23 Season 1

A new season of war begins with the General’s Handbook, an essential supplement for Warhammer Age of Sigmar which includes updated battleplans and Pitched Battle profiles for every unit in the game. As the definitive companion for competitive Warhammer Age of Sigmar players, it contains everything you need to take your tabletop clashes into the new season and brave the harsh environs of the Splintered Land of Gallet.

Looks like the 2022 General’s Handbook means new rules and exciting times for all AoS players!

New General’s Handbook Will Focus on Infantry

Murderously inclement weather batters the plains of Gallet, roaring winds strong enough to scatter whole armies. Those who wish to avoid these punishing storms must use the continent’s endless network of tunnels – but these gloomy grottos teem with swarming ratfolk and insectoid Ghurish predators.

Generals Handbook

To protect themselves from such critters, caravans and traveling armies employ Masters of the Splintered Land – seasoned veterans who know how to navigate these twisting pathways and fend off their brutal bugs.

Your Battleline units now all gain the GALLETIAN VETERANS keyword… if they’re small enough to squirm into the tunnels, anyway. That means no mounts and no one with too many wounds, marking a shift away from the supremacy of beasts.

This will come into play with the later rules but, you definitely want a lot of veterans.

Generals handbook

Each battle round, the player going second gets to pick an objective to be the Proving Grounds, as the confusing caverns and treacherous pits of Gallet shift in a way that can only be navigated by GALLETIAN VETERANS. Until the end of the round, other units can’t contest that objective at all.

This will add an interesting wrinkle to the game, meaning only infantry units under 4 wounds will be able to contest. So, you can pick something maybe your enemy has non-infantry on and just grab the objective basically no matter what.

Bonds of Battle

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Fighting shoulder-to-shoulder in cramped conditions also forges tight Bonds of Battle. When your GALLETIAN VETERANS attack in melee, they can target enemies within ½” of a nearby model in their unit – helping Battleline warriors with larger bases, such as Stormcast Eternals or Ogor Gluttons, avoid getting bogged down at chokepoints.

If you have some giant infantry units (which GW is trying to push), you’ll be able to pick units within 1/2″ to attack.

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This rule combines particularly well with an Overwhelming Assault. Activated at the end of your charge phase, this new command ability allows your massed GALLETIAN VETERANS to pin down and exterminate smaller enemy units by inflicting the strike-last effect.

Again, this will push the bigger blocks of infantry and punish the MSU-style armies.

Core Battalion Changes

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The realm rules for Gallet also include two new core battalions. Expert Conquerors are more accomplished at holding objectives than most, while Bounty Hunters specialize in gutting opposing armies – they deal extra Damage in melee when targeting the enemy’s GALLETIAN VETERANS.

Plus, there are 12 new battleplans, eight fresh battle tactics, and six Gallet-focused grand strategies which invite you to construct new armies and find inventive ways to do battle – as well as a new spell for any and all WIZARDS fighting in Gallet.

Counting as 3 models is honestly kind of insane and if you don’t take this battalion and your opponent does, they will most likely grab all the objectives if they are ever contested. Then, with new battleplans, battle tactics, and more, we expect it to change up gameplay a decent amount.

Free Points Updates for AoS & Changes in the General’s Handbook

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Among those changes is a comprehensive slate of points updates for every faction in the game. In fact, these changes are so sweeping that we’ve decided to make them available for free. You can download them below – and they’ll be regularly updated in the future.

Well, sweeping changes can sometimes be a good thing… Sometimes not, still, there is a lot going down with just the points.

AoS UpdatesLike with the previous updates, this takes precedence over the older ones. So, you pretty much have to get the new points!

Order Changes

Aos points changes Aos points changes 2Considering they haven’t grabbed a new battletome recently, we expect there to be plenty of changes, hopefully, this helps out the army.

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The point costs listed in Pitched Battles profiles are one of the key ways to balance matched play games for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, alongside the Warhammer Studio’s quarterly balance update in the shape of the Battlescroll.


Obviously, the points make a big difference and we’re happy to see them give the points totally for free this time around.

Chaos Changes

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Aos points changes 8There are quite a few Chaos armies that really haven’t grabbed much love lately, so just like the Cities of Sigmar, let’s hope this helps them out!

Death Changes

Aos points changes 9Considering the Nighhaunt just got a book, they shouldn’t have quite as many changes as the rest.

Destruction Changes

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Overall Destruction isn’t grabbing as many changes but still good to know what’s changing with your army!

Download All the Changes Here!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from all preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about the new changes for AoS?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!