Games Workshop has delivered with these free new AoS Warscroll rules PDF downloads for Ionus Cryptborn and Draconith!
The new model is honestly really great, and, in our opinion, one of the best dragons GW has ever come out with! So, it’s always cool to see a new model that looks so good get some free rules, especially when GW launches the model in a box and not on its own.
It doesn’t feel as bad to have to buy the box if you at least get the rules for free.
The complete rules are also available in the new Dawnbringers book, which will also have all the Armies of Renown rules, so if you plan on picking any of those up, the book will probably also be worth it. For now, though, let’s jump into the new rules!
GW Drops Free AoS Ionus Cryptborn Rules & Warscroll PDF Downalod
The new Ionus Cryptborn and Draconith rules come from Warhammer Community.
As you can see, he has a bunch of wounds, plenty of movement, and can dish out a decent amount of damage. But he also has an insane number of abilities!
With Draconic Horror stopping enemies from using Rally and Inspiring Presence, getting him stuck in soon is paramount! Then, Scry Intent should make him even harder to kill.
Arch-Relicator will let you chant two prayers or automatically pass one; and dispell Endless Spells or Invocations on a 2+, so quite strong in that department.
Cthorak’s Spirit-Scouring Flames can immolate lesser foes entirely, but survivors do not escape unscathed – instead, they’re soulburned. At the end of each hero phase, soulburned units have a chance of suffering D3 mortal wounds as the pale flames persist.
Not only does this deal a ton of wounds, but you also have to use an ability to heal the unit to eliminate the ongoing soul burn! With nine attacks and rend -2, this should dish out some serious damage!
As one of Sigmar’s oldest and most favoured champions, Ionus’ prayers are answered with a little extra punch. The Lightning Tempest he can unleash is a raging storm that leaps between nearby enemies again and again on a roll of 3+, dealing D3 mortal wounds each time.
This could theoretically hit your enemy’s entire army, but on average, you should get about 2-3 units hit with this, which means dealing 4-6 Mortal Wounds. When combined with the flames, you could dish out an insane number of Mortals each turn.
Draconith Skywing Rules
The Draconith Skywing Army of Renown in The Long Hunt recreates the kinds of aerial formations that Ionus leads into battle. Every unit in this army must have the STORMCAST ETERNALS and DRACONITH keyword, but as a result Krondys, Karazai, and Stormdrake Guard units with two models become Battleline.
The Draconith Guardians of these armies are selfless bodyguards who’ll forfeit their own safety to intercept attacks aimed at the Warden of Lost Souls, allowing you to reallocate wounds that target Ionus on a 4+.
If you want to keep Ionus around for the longest time possible, send wounds to your Stormdrake Guard!
Your veteran dragons are prone to some seriously monstrous rampages. Stun and Impact Tremors both hamper their opponent’s ability to fight effectively, subtracting 1 from wound rolls and reducing pile-in moves to 1” respectively.
Stun is good for fighting big monsters and characters, as Ionus also has -1 to hit, so the double debuff is quite strong. Lastly, Impact Tremors will stop you from getting surrounded by enemy units.
Click Here to Download All the Rules!
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