AoS Sylvaneth’s New Battletome – REVEALED

By Rob Baer | June 28th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Alarielle model new sylvaneth

Come see the brand new Sylvaneth Battletome for everybody’s favorite treefolk that’s coming this week for the the new faction of Age of Sigmar.

Source: Scanner

Whats a new faction release without a Battletome?

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Source: Warhammer Forums

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Alarielle abilities: – Talon of the Dwindling: For each character injured but not killed by this weapons, roll two dice. If the result is a double 6 or higher than the current wound characteristic of the model, it is slain.

– Blossomed life: heal d3 wounds in each of your hero phase – Swiping blows: You can add 1 to the hit rolls of the Wardroth antlers attacks if the enemy units has 5 models or more.

– Living Ram: If the Wardroth Beetle ends a charge move 1″ away from a scenery piece, every other unit in that scenery piece takes d3 mortal wounds.

– Amphoras of souls: In her hero phase, Alarielle roll one D6 and look up the result on the table. You can choose any ability lower than the result of your dice. 1-3 Every Sylvaneth at 30″ around heal d3 wounds. 4 Set up 2d6 dryads. 5 Set up d6 tree revenants. 6 Set up a Treelord. All set up units must be 9″ or less away from Alarielle and 3″ or more than any enemy model. Magic:

– 3 spells and counter spells –

Metamorphosis: Pick an enemy unit up to 16″ away. Casting value of 5, roll as many dice as the casting result. Every 4+ inflicts a mortal wound. If the last model of the unit is killed that way, place a set up a sylvaneth wyldwood where the unit was but 1″ away from any other unit and scenery.

Command ability: – Wrath of Ghyran: Once per battle, you can re-roll all wound rolls of all Sylvaneth units until your next hero phase.

Checkout the rest of the Warscrolls below in our roundup

New Sylvaneth Rules Roundup

new slyvaneth (4)

A Celestant Prime for Slyvaneth?

Checkout the rest of the new release pictures below:

New Sylvaneth Model Explosion

Source: Chaotica Cloaquis (Facebook)


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