ARCHAON RIDES! End Times Book 5 Rumors

By Rob Baer | January 21st, 2015 | Categories: End Times, Warhammer 40k Rumors


If there was any doubt about the next installment of the End Times being Archaon (after reading Thanquol), there may not be much now.

Seems like there is a high level of detail with the End Times 5 book rumors as of late, and I’m willing to bet there are some people out there that know more than they are letting on.

Checkout the latest;

Via Captain Citadel 1-20-2015

Archaon is indeed book five of the End Times, and will be new models coming too.

It will be released sometime in March. Book one has an artist’s rendering of Archaon weilding the Kingslayer on the cover and Book two’s cover is a very nice picture of the current model of Archaon.

The book concentrates on the forces of Khorne, however Orcs and Goblins finally make their appearance in End Times and Grimgor is featured heavily in this book (with rules).

All eight of the Incarnates are revealed, including some BIG surprises on a Shakespearean level.

I talked about the blood thirster recently, but there are more units coming too. Khorne will also be getting Skullreapers, and Wrathmongers.

The Skullreapers look like the Khador Doomreavers with tall doublehanded halbreds, and the Wrathmongers resemble miniature humoid versions of the Lord of Skulls, but with leather armour.

Via Captain Citadel 01-19-2015

The Plastic Bloodthirster is real.
Kit makes three models a normal bloodthirster with whip and Axe of Khorne, one wielding a monstrous two-handed axe, third has a doubleheaded axe and super long chain flail. The wings are really big – the model is almost as big as Nagash, and is extra tall. It is sculpted on top of a flickering flame. There are three different heads with different types of horns and helmets. Large armoured hooves, thigh straps, regular upper body strapps and gladiator kindof armour. Super muscular, like a super ripped world’s strongest man mixed with a Khorne daemon.

Full Archaon Rumor Roundup