Archmage Teclis Lumineth Realm-Lords Unboxing

By Travis Pasch | September 28th, 2020 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

$170 Age of Sigmar Teclis Unboxing & Build Lumineth Realm-LordsDon’t miss our unboxing and build of the new Age of Sigmar Lumineth Realm-Lords Teclis model, as we compare him to another similar model out there!

This week we are cracking open the new Age of Sigmar Teclis mini from GW and seeing what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop. People have been pretty torn on this mini, so let’s see how it looks!

We are going to show you everything that the model comes with, how long it takes to build, and some size comparisons.  That way you can decide if this box is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Let’s go!

High Loremaster of Hoeth, Archmage Teclis Unboxing & Build

Teclis Box Set

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Archmage TeclisThe kit runs $170 retail from GW, a little pricey to say the least but you get a giant centerpiece style mini. It’s even more expensive than some of the starter sets. It does seem wild this is only two sprues as well!

Teclis ArtworkYou also get some really cool artwork to go along with it, maybe the extra inspiration you need while painting it!

Sprues and Instructions

Teclis instrucitons


Teclis Mount


Mounting TeclisIt doesn’t look too hard to be to put together, but there look to be some very tiny bits. The mount looks pretty simple without actually too many parts. For the base, they give you approximate areas for where the terrain goes and everything looks like it can be mounted after painting.

That’s super useful, as it’s such a giant mini!

Teclis Sprue


1st Teclis SpureNothing seems too crazy about the sprue in terms of build. Rob is not really impressed with the feather detail though, for a $170 mini he feels like they should have put more detail into the wings. With a great paint job, you can make it look good, but it will take some work.

Other than that the bits look really nice and detailed. Just strange to make 95% of the bits look amazing and then slack on the wings.

Building it:

Teclis Mount BuildIt takes about two hours to build the entire thing and Rob did it in three sections to make the painting easier. Took a lot less time than Rob originally anticipated. The hardest part to him was Teclis’ cape, other than that it all went together really easily.

Teclis BuiltThe Teclis mini itself looks amazing! Just two things to watch out for, the cape and the tiny bits. The cape will take some work but not terrible. He is basically a 54 mm model just by himself, pretty sweet!

Teclis Base BuiltThe base goes together very easily and looks great! The only thing there were no instructions for are the two of the little grass tufts. So just throw it on wherever you want!

Completed Mini:

Completed TeclisRob just used some blue-tac, for now, to hold the mini together to give some size comparisons. Overall the mini looks really cool and is quite impressive size-wise! GW seemed to do a really good job of making this mini easy to build and do in sections to make painting it all easier.

Size Comparisons:

Storm Cast ComparisonThis thing is simply huge! Just look at it next to that puny Stormcast!

Alarille Size ComparisonHe even outsizes Alarielle! Pretty impressive size-wise, and overall the detail is amazing!

That does it for this one. Overall a great mini and really an easy build for such a giant model! If you need a centerpiece for your Lumineth Realm-Lords army, definitely worth building and painting!

That aside, if you’re just obsessed with unboxing vids, go check more out here!

Are you going to be picking this up? If you did, what did you think about building and painting it?

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