Things are getting hot for the Stormcasts as something BIG and SCALY looks to be coming to Age of Sigmar soon!
Source: Scanner
Stormcast Dragon?
Oh My-lanta, is that a Dragon? Checkout that artwork above compared the Dracoths that were spotted recently:
The art above looks to show the traditional extended wurm neck and head that we’ve come to expect from a Dragon, and the armor on that art is very different from the cav models themselves.
If that doesn’t convince you that a dragon may be on the horizon for the Stormcasts, checkout the teasers for next week, and something BIG in a background shot:
It’s all about the scale, and Scions of Dracothion, may be hints at the arrival of Sigmar’s great drake friend himself, or perhaps some of his kin.
Either war the Stormcasts are coming in hot next week, like dragon’s breath hot that is.