ARE THEY OP? Deathjester & Shadowseer Rules

By Rob Baer | February 16th, 2015 | Categories: Harlequins, Warhammer 40k Rumors

harle char

A few new leaks over the weekend and the Harlequins may have gone from ho-hum to holy-cow! Check these guys out!

via warseer’s Manwe 2-15-2014

Harlequin Deathjester

WS5 BS5 S3 T3 W2 I7 A3 Ld10 Sv –

Holosuit, Shuriken Shrieker Cannon, Flipbelt



Furious Charge

Hit & Run

Independent Character

Precision Shot

Can buy Haywire Grenades,  Enigmas of the Black Library

Death is Not Enough: If an enemy unit suffers casualties from the Shrieker cannon, it must make a Ld. check at -2.  If it fails, the Jeath Jester determines which direction the units falls back on it’s initial fallback move!


Harlequin Shadowseer

WS6 BS4 S3 T3 W2 I7 A3 Ld10 Sv –

Holosuit, Grenade Launcher, Shuriken Pistol, Mistave Flipbelt



Furious Charge

Hit & Run

Independent Character

Psyker (lvl1, upgradable to Lvl2) (Phantasmancy, Daemonology, Telepathy)

Can buy Haywire Grenades, Neuro-disruptor, Enigmas of the Black Library


Now combo these guys with some of the wargear AND formations that were leaked over the weekend, and the Harlequins may just be packing serious HEAT!

Harlequin Rumor Roundup

~Yup these guys may just be the KINGS of Combos!