Armada Two-Player Naval Combat Starter Set On Sale Now!

armada-featureThe Armada Two-Player Starter Set is on sale right now from Mantic Games, which means you can save some cash and get into a new game!

 The game is all about sea warfare set in their fantasy Kings of War world. The gameplay seems fast but in-depth, with only 6-9 ships being used per side.

The starter has two factions, Orcs and Basileans, but they are expanding the line quickly. If you enjoy the Black Seas ruleset by Warlord Games, you’ll feel right at home here. Let’s look at the set and how to play the game.

Armada Two-Player Starter Set: Sale Price $93.50

armada-two-player-starterHere’s what they have to say about the Basileans in the box:

Characterised by massive ships of the line, supported by an array of smaller, more specialised vessels, Basilean fleets are unlike any other human warfleets in both appearance and battle tactics. Like all human warfleets, however, the Basilean Navy depends upon a sail for its speed and manoeuvrability.

Armada Box

Their sailors are experts in bringing vessels alongside the enemy, or even crossing their bows, so that the gunners might unleash several decks of thunderous broadsides, delivering the divine wrath of the Shining Ones to their foes. Indeed, of all human fleets, it is the Basileans who both pioneered and perfected the tactic of breaking the enemy line, developing the Dictator-class warship for just that purpose. For the Basileans, victory alone is not enough – the enemy, should they be faithless, must be destroyed utterly.

Now a little more about the Orcs:

Armada two player set

The downside to Orcish ambitions were twofold: firstly, the Orcs couldn’t decide where to start, and every time they tried to make a plan, they simply fell to bickering and fighting. Secondly, not a single Orc had the first idea how to construct anything bigger than a raft, let alone how to sail it. Thankfully, both these problems had the same solution: Goblins.

Armada Book

All Orc vessels are designed by goblin Gadjits and built by a swarm of brow-beaten goblin workers. They vary hugely in design, cobbled together out of whatever raw materials lie close to hand, or from whatever enemy ships they can commandeer. As long as they follow the Orcs’ two cardinal rules (‘Make them faster,’ and ‘Make them more brutal’), the Orcs don’t really care what they look like. They simply represent a thrill-ride to a new and previously undreamt-of theatre of war. The thudding of long-guns; the roar of ships aflame; the screams of enemy sailors as they plunge into shark-infested waters… these are music to the ears of the Orcs, and the stuff of dreams.

Click Here to Get Your Two-Player Set!