Army Painter Wet Palette Makes Hobbying Easier!

Army Painter Wet PaletteThe Army Painter wet palette is one of the best we’ve used, and for the price, it is just really hard to beat- check it out!

The Army Painter is always coming out with some of the coolest hobby products on the market! This time around, we are looking at something that’s been out for a little while, but it’s still awesome and can change your hobby! Plus, Rob reviewed this after a full year of use, so we’ll also take a look at that as well. 

All of their products are always affordable and high-quality, and this is no different. Let’s take a closer look! 

The Army Painter Wet Palette: $27.50

wet paletteThe Army Painter’s wet palette is completely mobile and easy to fit in your hobby go-bag. What’s even cooler about this wet palette is that it also has a place to store your brushes! If space is extremely limited, you can pack everything but the paint all into one thin case.

wet palette 2If this is your first time hearing about something called a wet palette, they’re essentially designed to keep your paints from drying. If you use any dry palette while you paint, you’ll know that 30-50% gets wasted as it dries and clings to the surface.

However, wet palettes keep the paint sitting on a porous/wet surface that keeps them from drying.

Here’s everything you get in the set:

The best Wet Palette there is – superior quality and custom-designed to keep your Warpaints preserved perfectly smooth and creamy! The Wet Palette comes with 2x sheets of hydro foam and 50x hydro sheets. Special inner layer design can hold up to 6x Wargamer brushes and 10x Hobby brushes from The Army Painter range.

How Has it Held Up?

The real question is, does it still work after a year? We did a review of this product about a year ago, and we wanted to follow back up and see how it’s held up. We originally liked this because it is easy to use, affordable, an all-in-one package, and portable. Long story short, Rob still uses this a year later.

Check out the review below to see how it held up!

Click Here to Get Your Wet Palette!