August’s 40k Kill Team & Age of Sigmar Pre-Order Lineup

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40k’s Kill Team is in full swing as more pre-orders have arrived for August, along with wave four of Age of Sigmar featuring more Nighthaunts and Stormcasts. 

GW is coming in strong with week two of the New Kill Team with a little bit of Age of Sigmar sprinkled on top. Come and take a look at whats on pre-order this week from Games Workshop.

Drop Force Imperator Collection:Drop Force Imperator Collection

The Writhing Shadow Collection:

The Writhing Shadow Collection

This Week’s Nighthaunt Pre-orders:

This Week’s Nighthaunt Pre-orders

Killzone: Sector Munitorum Environment Expansion:

Killzone Sector Munitorum Environment Expansion

Kill Team: Drop Force Imperator – Astra Militarum Starter Set:

Kill Team Drop Force Imperator – Astra Militarum Starter Set

Kill Team: The Writhing Shadow – Tyranids Starter Set:

Kill Team The Writhing Shadow – Tyranids Starter Set


Kill Team Tape Measure:

Kill Team Tape Measure

Kill Team Astra Militarum Dice:

Kill Team Astra Militarum Dice

Kill Team Tyranids Dice:

Kill Team Tyranids Dice


Kill Team Space Wolves Dice:

Kill Team Space Wolves Dice

(Kit makes of of these two miniatures.)

Lord-Arcanum on Tauralon:

Aventis Firestrike: Magister of Hammerhal:

Lord-Arcanum on Tauralon

Aventis Firestrike Magister of Hammerhal

Black Coach:

Black Coach



Easy to Build: Chainrasp Hordes:

Easy to Build Chainrasp Hordes

Kill Team Genestealer Cults Dice:

Kill Team Genestealer Cults Dice


Kill Team Orks Dice:

Kill Team Orks Dice

Kill Team Adeptus Mechanicus Dice:

Kill Team Adeptus Mechanicus Dice

That’s it for this week’s pre-release roundups, be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.