Available Now: Lumineth Realm-Lords Complete Release

new-releases-warhammer-40k-use-me-now-wal-horThe first wave of Lumineth Realm-Lords that was on pre-order last week is here, so don’t miss what is available to order now!

Check out the latest releases from Games Workshop that for the most part is out now on store shelves and available for delivery from online sellers as well!

Auralan Sentinels

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lumineth realmlords auralan sentinels 3

sentinels sprue 1

sentinels sprue 2This kit builds 10 Auralan Sentinels, in a variety of interchangeable and customisable designs. Thanks to a choice of bows, quivers and more, you’ll be able to ensure that even the most massive line of archers looks distinct. This kit also contains the options to build one Auralan Sentinel as a High Sentinel with a Scryhawk Lantern.

Archmage Teclis

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teclis model

Teclis sprue 1

TEclis sprue 2This set contains Teclis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh, a single miniature supplied in 70 plastic components with 1x 160mm round base.

Auralan Wardens

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auralan wardens

wardens sprue 2

wardens sprue 1This kit builds 10 Auralan Wardens in a variety of interchangeable and customisable designs. With various weapons, shields, helms and accessories, you’ll be able to ensure that your pike block looks distinct. This kit also contains option to build one Auralan Warden as a High Warden.

Scinari Cathallar

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The Scinari Cathallar

cathallar sprueThis set is supplied in 12 plastic components and includes a 32mm round base.

Light of Eltharion

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Light of Eltharion


eltharion sprueThis kit builds one Light of Eltharion miniature. Innovative design makes this a model like no other – a hollow, animated suit of armour! Even if you’re not using this in a Lumineth Realm-lords collection, it’s worth picking one up just to paint. This set is supplied in 15 plastic components and includes a 50mm round base.

Lumineth Realm-lords Battletome (HB)

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lumineth realm-lord battletomeThis 90 page hardback book contains:

– Allegiance abilities for Lumineth, including a variety of battle traits
– 2 spell lores
– 2 battleplans that allow you to fight thrilling narrative battles that suit the Lumineth Realm-lords ways of war
– Rules for creating a Lumineth warband for Path to Glory, including Champion and Followers Rewards Tables
– 4 warscroll battalions
– 13 warscrolls, and 3 endless spell warscrolls
– Pitched battle profiles for all units and endless spells featured in this battletome

Lumineth Warscroll Cards

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lumineth warscroll cardsThis set includes 13 warscroll cards for referencing units and endless spells, plus two double-sided sheets of push-out tokens.

Lumineth Dice Set

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lumineth diceThis time the themed dice are a little special! You’ll get 20 cylindrical D6s instead of the standard cubes. They are sure to stand out at any table.

Lumineth Endless Spells

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lumineth endless spellsThis set is supplied in 16 plastic components. One spell features an integrated base, while the other two are based on a 50mm Round and a 75mm x 41.5mm Oval bases, which are included in this set.

Will you be grabbing this batch? Would you like to see more Age of Sigmar releases?

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