Awaken Realms’ New Miniature Gallery

By Awaken Realms | July 11th, 2015 | Categories: Den of Imagination, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Today we have something different than usual for the community – not a singular army/model post, but you’ll be able to see much photos anyway.

As perhaps you’re aware, recently we’ve been working upon a new website – one of it’s features is a vast gallery, covering all of the models we’ve painted up to date, together with their painting quality.

Allow me to tell more of how the gallery works;)

Gallery Overview:

Divided to organize the photos through the main wargames (Warhammer 40000, Fantasy, Horus Heresy, Infinity, collectively gathered Bolt Action, Lord of the Rings as well as Privateer Press games and our own The Edge), painting qualities of our studio and types of miniature, the gallery will allow you to look at the examples of the models we’ve painted up to date, while being able to determine the painting quality of each model!

Photo view:

Each gallery entry is opening as a new gallery (covering either singular miniature, a squad or an army), described with model name, gaming system it belongs to, the quality we’ve painted it in and the model type. You may easily stroll through the photos by clicking arrows on left and right or clicking each photo below. You may also share the models you particularly like with your friends by the menu on tle left part of the screen!

Add your own photos to our gallery!

Finally, there is one more thing you can do with the gallery – you may join our community and add photos of your own models for others to see! Let your models become an inspiration for other painters!

On the webpage you’ll find not only our gallery, but also all our HD Tutorials.

I hope we’ll soon find a lot of your model’s photos in our gallery!