BANDAI, New Warcry & Underworlds Pricing CONFIRMED!

new-releases-bandai-and-moreHere is the confirmed pricing and lineup for this week’s new BANDAI figure, Warcry, Underworlds, and more releases that are hitting pre-order!

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these new releases from Games Workshop that will go up for pre-order with your favorite retailers on Saturday, October 7th, 2023, around 1 p.m. EST.

BANDAI, Warcry, Underworlds, BL, & More Pricing CONFIRMED!

This week is another bit strange, with all the AoS-related stuff being on a two-week pre-order period when the Space Marines release hasn’t even completed their two-week pre-order yet. Either way, it may seem like it’s taking a while for these releases to actually hit store shelves on the 21st of October.

Then, the BANDAI figure will be on Made to Order (MTO), which generally takes up to 180 days to get to you. While there are some cool Specialist Game releases this time, it’s interesting to see GW keeping up with the second two-week pre-order period in a row.


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Warhammer Underworlds Deathgorge: $110 €80 £65

Warcry pre-orders

In the icy depths of Andtor lies theDeathgorge, a network of frozen tunnels and caves that has entombed untold treasures – not to mention the souls of unlucky adventurers. And where there are souls to be claimed, you’re sure to find both Idoneth Deepkin and daemons of Slaanesh. Deep in the boreal depths of the Deathgorge, Cyreni’s Razors and the Thricefold Discord are locked in a bitter battle over this hoard of ice-crusted anima.

The new core set for Warhammer Underworlds features two new warbands, two new Rivals decks, two universal Rivals decks, and everything else you need to play the ultimate competitive miniatures game.

This is the new core set for the game, and if you want to get two new warbands in one buy, this is the way to go.

Warhammer Underworlds Starter Set $60 €50 £40

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Beginners can also find their way into Warhammer Underworlds with a new starter set, which will be available from select retailers. It’s on sale from Saturday the 7th of October, and differs slightly from the current Warhammer Underworlds: Starter Set.

It contains two warbands – Ironsoul’s Condemnors and the Sepulchral Guard – as well as their Rivals decks and everything else you need to play. It’s a gentle introduction into the exciting (and decidedly un-gentle) world of Warhammer Underworlds, and the set will even run you through how to play through an example game before you tackle a full game yourself.

If you’re getting into the game, this is the way to go, and we hope the price tag makes it easy to get into.

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Warcry Hunter & Hunted: $130 €105 £80

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Over in the Gnarlwood, stomachs are rumbling – those of the Mawpits and the pale, ravenousOgor Gorgerswho are determined to eat their fill of fresh meat in praise of the Gulping God.The Wildercorps Huntersare currently following the ogors’ foul scent with the aid of their loyal Trailhounds – but unluckily for them, they’re perfectly snack-sized for the Gorgers. They must rely on their expert knowledge of the wilderness – and an array of pointy implements – to fend off the salivating horrors in this new Warcry set, which features two warbands and an eternally hungry Mawpit.

GW has been loving the doggos lately, and this kit probably has the most ever in one kit. Plus, the Ogors are pretty awesome, but they aren’t dogs… so…

Warcry: Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz: $60 €45 £35

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The Gnarlwood is home to much vicious flora and fauna, the perfect poaching grounds for the Kruleboyz. The Monsta-killazhunt, kill, and capturethese savage beasties to keep the stinking stables of the Beast-breaka tribes stocked. When out on the hunt, they employ tamed Gnarlwood Howlaz to flush out their quarry and dispatch surreptitious Klutcha-grots to steal the goodies. 

It seems like every Warcry kit has some animal companion, but these models are all really cool sculpts overall!

Warcry Vulkyn Flameseekers: $60 €45 £35


Warcry pre-orders 5

Though the Ur-Salamander Vulcatrix once killed the Fyreslayer god Grimnir, there are many who worship this powerful godbeast. Theydedicate their lives to hunting down Magmadroth eggs,along with the remnants of the Mother of Salamanders’ sacred flames. With war picks and shovel-like polearms, they raise and nurture Kyndledroths for the lodges, brooking no mercy to those who threaten to harm the free-roaming Magmadroths– though they won’t hesitate to put down any ‘droths that have become unstable. 

Fyreslayers are always fun models, and everything in this box looks great.

Ravaged Lands Scales of Talaxis: $112.50 €87.50 £67.50

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The ruins of theEye of Chotecare scattered throughout the Gnarlwood, curved jade ribs jutting out from its foetid swamps. These ruins are dire reminders of the catastrophe that once struck this place, and still pulse with cosmic power, setting the mire around them alight with crackling arcane energy. They’re also just right for fighters to leap off and dramatically stab unwary foes. 

We saw this previewed not too long ago, but it’s much better to be able to buy it instead of just looking at it.

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warbands Normally $42 €34 £26 each (GW Webstore Direct)

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Originally released for Warhammer Underworlds,these warbands all have rules in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and are getting a standalone release in grey plastic without their cards. The warbands are the Gorechosen of Dromm, Hexbane’s Hunters, The Shadeborn, Blackpowder’s Buccaneers, Da Kunnin’ Krew, Skittershank’s Clawpack, The Exiled Dead, and Xandire’s Truthseekers.

Like with all the warbands, you can use them in AoS, but they come with all the boxed game stuff. So now, you can buy the warbands without all the cards you wouldn’t need.

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White Dwarf 493: $11 €9 £6.99

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October’s issue ofWhite Dwarfis packed with amazing Warhammer content as always. There are new rules for a Warhammer Age of Sigmar narrative campaign, as well as new scenarios, and painting and gaming advice. The Warhammer 40,000 Tale of Four Warlords continues alongside Crusade rules for the Tome Keepers, while Warcry gets a dose of Courage and Cruelty with quests and artefacts for the Vulkyn Fyreslayers and Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz, and you can whet your appetite for the upcoming Legions Imperialis in an early battle report. 

White Dwarf is always a fun pickup to get further into the hobby, and if you play Tyranids, you may want to grab this one!

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BANDAI: Blood Angels Assault Intercessor – Made to Order (GW Webstore Direct)

BANDAI Blood Angel

Protect your shelves with a fully poseable Blood Angels Assault Intercessor from BANDAI. This 17cm action figure is pre-painted in the crimson armour of the Blood Angels Chapter, with a yellow helmet connoting his status as a sergeant. With 51 points of articulation, he comes with an Astartes chainsword and a heavy bolt pistol.This mighty son of Sanguinius is available on a Made to Order basis from 10am Saturday 7th of October until 8am local time on Monday 16th October, with a shipping time of up to 180 days.

BANDAI always makes great figures, and this is no different! It looks incredible, and we expect it to be fully poseable just like the other offerings.  If you want to order it right now, BigBadToyStore has it listed for pre-order at $185

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Realmslayer: Legend of The Doomseeker: $35

BANDAI Blood Angel 3

A long time ago, Gotrek Gurnisson swore an oath to die in battle – but he somehow survived the death of his entire world. Not one to let failure get in his way, Gotrek arrives in the Mortal Realms with only two things on his mind – completing his oath, and trying to find out if his former friend Felix also survived the apocalypse. 

Realmslayer: Legend of the Doomseekeris David Guymer’s novelisation of the audio drama which introduced Gotrek into the Age of Sigmar, and it will be available to pre-order in hardback, eBook, and audiobook format. 

Gotrek stories are always fun to read, and this will be available in almost every form.

Once a Killer: $17.99

BANDAI Blood Angel 4

In the dark and dangerous streets of the hive city of Varangantua, law enforcers and vigilantes live alongside crime lords and gangers, and violence is only ever a moment away.Once a Killeris a paperback collection of eight short stories by Black Library authors including Nick Kyme, Denny Flowers, Jude Reid, and more. Each tale is packed full of bloodshed, corruption, and betrayal, and together, they paint a grisly picture of this teeming city of thieves.

Anthologies are a good way to get a bunch of different authors to read in a quick time, and if you like crime novels, this will be right up your alley!

The Lord of The End Times: Available From The Black Library

BANDAI Blood Angel 5

Only the last heroes of men, elves, and dwarfs stand between Archaon the Everchosen and the city of Middenheim, which is the key to his ultimate victory for Chaos. With things looking bleak, eyes turn to the unlikeliest of allies – Nagash, the Undying King. 

You can find out how this tenuous alliance was resolved in Josh Reynolds’ The Lord of The End Times, which will be available to pre-order in audiobook next week for the first time.

This is the first time you can get this in an audiobook, so if you’ve been waiting to listen, now is the time!

Baron of Dice Wargaming Faction Dice Sets: $15-$32.50

baron of dice marines

These new hand-swirled resin dice from Baron of Dice are bubble-free, are made for wargaming, and are perfect for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k!

baron of dice bone

Click Here To Get Your Dice Rolling On Point Now!

Baron of Dice makes some of the best rolling accessories out there, with great collections and even the option to make your own custom dice and bags! They have dice for most 40k factions, Age of Sigmar and fantasy dice, Star Wars, superhero dice, and so much more!

Latest New JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures!

flyima pre order joytoy

If you’ve been eyeing any of the fantastic JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures, use our exclusive discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12% and get yours for less from Flyima! 

Best of all, they have free shipping to the States!

Click Here to Get Your JOYTOY Figures 12% OFF!

What do you think of the pricing and lineup for this week’s new Warcry, BANDAI, Underworlds, and Black Library Releases?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!


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