Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes Battle Group Value is Just Wild

Is-this-Worth-It-&-Value-horus-heresy-battlegroupHere are the savings and value for the Legiones Astartes Battle Group box set for Horus Heresy in our pricing breakdown!

Generally, these big boxes come with a lot of savings and some intrinsic value. This box looks no different, with the first crack at the new MKIII Armor models and a plastic Deredeo Dreadnought.

We just saw the pricing for the box, and it’s really going to have tons of value inside. Let’s get into it!

Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes Battle Group: $210 160 € £125

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store


Legiones Astartes Battle Group Box

But where to acquire this fabulous new gear? It’ll all be available at first in the forthcoming Legiones Astartes Battle Group. This massive box contains a whopping THIRTY MK III Tactical Space Marines, one Deredeo Dreadnought, and a Land Raider Proteus for good measure. 

But that’s not it! You also get a Legion Special Weapons set, containing five lots each of plasma guns, meltaguns, flamers, rotor cannon, volkite chargers, and volkite calivers. Shove them into the Land Raider, and deliver your choice of high-energy death to the enemies/adherents of the Emperor!

Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes Battle Group: Savings & Value

This will be the first place you can get the new minis, and there is plenty in the battle group! With a Land Raider, a Deredeo, and 30 Marines, this is quite the big box!

Here is the pricing breakdown:

  • 30 MK III Tactical Space Marines $115 ($75 for 20 or $40 for 10)
  • Deredeo Dreadnought $80 (GW pricing)
  • Land Raider Proteus $110 (existing)
  • Legion Special Weapons set $23 (existing 1/2 a set included)

Total MSRP: $328

Total savings versus the $210 box price: $118

Will the Legiones Astartes Battle Group be Worth It?

MK III Horus Heresy Tactical SquadAt $210, this is super worth it! Not only will you get the new minis, but the value inside is crazy for a box at this price. This is a great box if you want to collect a demi-legion of marines and some larger armor pieces.

You also get a ton of special weapons that can be used to upgrade a large portion of your entire army. So, overall, this is a great-looking box with a good mix of miniatures inside, and we expect people to grab these up.


deredeo dreadnought rules 40k

You can also use the Land Raider in Warhammer 40k. However, while the Deredeo has moved to Legends, you can still use it in non-tournament games. Clocking it at 170 points, it’s pretty close to the current points of the Redemptor chassis.

Both the weapons inside the box also look effective, and when shooting at most units, you will get to re-roll the hit roll which is pretty good.

Honestly, at this price, if you even just want the Marines and one of the tanks, it’s worth it, and you can get rid of the rest.

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Will you be picking up the Legions Astartes Battle Group box, and do you like the value and savings inside?

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