Blizzcon Press Kit Leaked & Burning Crusade Returns!

By Andrew Schrank | February 19th, 2021 | Categories: Pop Gamer Culture, Warhammer 40k Rumors

burning crusadeIt may have been a rocky road for Blizzard lately, but there are great things coming to get fans hype including the return of Burning Crusade!

While there are many games that Blizzard currently has on active content cycles, the press kit only really talked about the next major patch for Shadowlands and a huge expansion for Classic Word of Warcraft.

The Return To Burning Crusade

burning crusade 2Some of the biggest news spotted was the announcement of the long-speculated re-release of Burning Crusade through WoW Classic. This might only be catering to the specific subsect of people who are invested in Classic, however, it is worth noting that the people with the most to gain from this re-release are the people who never played the original. With this re-release fans of the game can experience the release as if they were back in 2007 for the first time.

“Journey through the Dark Portal once again in World of Warcraft®: Burning Crusade Classic™! Originally released in January 2007, The Burning Crusade summoned the heroes of Azeroth to the shattered and fel-scarred realm of Outland to stop an invasion of the demonic Burning Legion. In 2021, Blizzard Entertainment’s recreation of the first World of Warcraft expansion will give players from around the world a chance to return to Outland as it once was to relive an era of timeless adventure—or experience what awaits beyond the Dark Portal for the first time.”

  • Rediscover the Broken World of Outland – Flee the fel reavers who roam Hellfire Peninsula, dive deep beneath the swamps of Zangarmarsh to confront what lurks below, and clash with the demonic agents of the Burning Legion in the shadow of the Black Temple.
  • Join the Fight as a Blood Elf or Draenei – The ranks of the Horde and the Alliance grow! Fight for the Horde as the blood elves, seeking a new source of the arcane power that once sustained them, or join the Alliance as the draenei, exiles from Outland in search of a new home.
  • The Saga Unfolds Over Time – Content from the original game will roll out in phases, at a cadence paced for the WoW Classic community. Prepare for the opening of the Black Temple, gear up to confront the gods of Zul’Aman, and gather your allies to face the fury of the Sunwell.
  • Burning Crusade Features Reborn – Prove your prowess in the Arena PvP system, enhance your gear with the Jewelcrafting profession, take to the skies over Outland on flying mounts, choose whether to seek the aid of the Aldor or the Scryers of Shattrath, and much more.
  • Choose Your Era – Prior to Burning Crusade Classic’s release, WoW Classic players can decide whether to advance each of their characters to the Burning Crusade era with the rest of their realm, or to continue playing the original WoW Classic content on new Classic Era servers.
  • Included With Existing World of Warcraft Subscriptions – As with WoW Classic, anyone who subscribes to World of Warcraft can also play Burning Crusade Classic at no additional cost, giving players the freedom to enjoy multiple eras of Azeroth at their own pace.

The expansion also added a few fan-favorite races. Both Draenei and Blood Elves were added as playable races for either Horde and Alliance, which was a huge deal at the time. The story also covers the first main encounters with the Burning Legion, which as we now know lead to a huge second expansion in 2016. It also introduces fan-favorite NPC Illidan, whether it be for the mystery or the tragedy, or simply because he is badass, lots of players adore him and his design.

If you haven’t played the original, or even just want to experience it all over again, the time is coming to re-do the Burning Crusade!

Blizzcon Online will run from February 19 to 20th online, and feature highlights, replays, and news for World of WarcraftHearthstoneDiabloOverwatch, and more.

What do you think of returning to The Burning Crusade? Do you like the focus on the old expansions as they were, thanks to WoW Classics’ success?

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