Blood Bowl Classic Teams MTO Coming Soon

Blood Bowl hor wal

Four classic Blood Bowl teams will be available for one week only and they will only be MTO. Come take a look at these teams available for a limited time.

Warhammer Community just gave us a look at the four classic Blood Bowl teams that are coming back for one week only.

For one week only, four classic teams return to Blood Bowl thanks to Made To Order, giving aspiring coaches even more choice when building their personal league and allowing veteran fans to bring their favourite faction into the new edition. Eat your players with the Vampire team, or throw them into the end zone with hulking Ogres, or outmanoeuvre your foes with the Wood Elves.

Wood Elf Team MTO Vampire Team Made to Order Ogre Team Made to Order

Finally, Blood Bowl’s worst players and best cooks return with the Halflings. Both they and the Wood Elves will have access to some much-needed bulk with the Treeman Star Player, also available in next week’s Made To Order waves. Rules for Ogres, Vampires, Wood Elves and halflings can be found via our free Teams of Legend Supplement.

Halfling Team MTOTreeman MTO

If you’re interested, make sure to get these models while you can next week – they’ll be available for one week only!

This is going to be a limited time opportunity to get some classic models for your Blood Bowl collection, and bring out a couple armies people may have not seen before. Make sure you check back in with us to find out when exactly the Vampires, Wood Elves, Ogres, Halflings and Treeman will go up for sale.

What do you think about Games Workshop bringing these four classic teams back for a limited time? Are you going to be ordering any of them? Let us know in the comments below.

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