Bolt Action Introduces New Italian Army Sets

Italy ArmyA bunch of new Bolt Action Italian Army Sets have arrived from the hobby maniacs at Warlord Games- check it out!

Reinforcements are arriving soon for the Italians in the way of Support Groups, Engineers, Airborne, and more! If you want any of the minis, you really don’t have too long to wait now as the sets are due to come out in April, but the pre-orders for all of them are available now!

They even say this isn’t all of the releases, so be sure to keep your eyes open for even more on the way soon, for now though, let’s check out the new mini previews!

New Bolt Action Italian Army Sets!

Italy Army 2If you love what Warlord is up to, check out what else they have been releasing as well.

Italy Army 3Since this is their release, we’ll let them tell you a little more about it:

By early 1941 these specialised assault engineers were fighting in North Africa, and by mid-1942 they were also on the Eastern Front. During the Sicilian campaign the 11th Guastatori Battalion was attached to the ‘Livorno’ Division, fighting alongside them throughout the campaign.

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Arguably one of the toughest units within the game, the Guastatori Destruction Group will be deservedly feared, if only for their ability to take two flamethrowers in a single squad. You’ll find their full rules in the most recent Bolt Action Campaign supplement, Soft Underbelly – an essential tome for every Italian player.

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One of the largest ground forces of the war, the Regio Esercito (Royal Italian Army) was hardened by its experiences in Albania, Ethiopia, and the Spanish Civil War prior to its entry into the Second World War. The Italian Army fielded a wide range of weapons from various manufacturers. The most successful and commonly used machine gun was the Breda M37 8mm air-cooled weapon, its reputation led to it being fielded by the British SAS when captured. Like so many nations, the Italian Army also made good use of mortars such as the Mortaio da 81/14 Modello 35.

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The Italian paratroopers were hard men, often poorly supplied and supported, but fought and died bravely where they stood rather than give ground. We’ve reorganized these miniatures into new boxes and refreshed them where necessary. The range includes two squad boxes (one of which is exclusive to the Warlord Webstore), a support group box (its constituent components also available separately), as well as a pack of weapons teams. 

That does it for this one, now go get some amazing sets!

Get Your Italian Army Kits Here!