BREAKING – Age of Sigmar IS the Future Fantasy?

By Rob Baer | July 1st, 2015 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The simple truth of the Age of Sigmar may just be the WHOLE truth. Prepare yourselves for the new Warhammer Fantasy?

via multiple retailers

Preliminary reports from multiple retailers are indicating what may be a very exciting trend for Age of Sigmar and Warhammer in general.


– It’s not 9th edition WFB, its a totally different game.

– There is no 9th edition coming.

– There is no huge rule book coming. Age of Sigmar is the main product. 

-The 96 page book in the box is a hobby book, painting, history, how to play examples etc.

– The 4 pages of rules is indeed the rules. Laminated.

-The 4 pages of rules and all War Scrolls will be free and online July 4th at midnight. This will be a living document.

-There may be additional books in the near future, hobbyist/collectors items. Not at all needed for the game, and may not even have the rules in the them. Things such as: Age of Sigmar: Epic Book of pictures, how to paint….etc.

-There is no Hardcover big rulebook like we had in WFB, no 3 rule books in a slipcover like in 40k. Just the Age of Sigmar box.

-Cost is $125.00 in the US

via warseer’s olderplayer

“GW is reportedly shifting to selling warscrolls (smaller and more focused army factions) to avoid selling army books/factions at least initially and to roll out new units and factions more frequently. You will be able, once the ravening hordes-style rules are out, to play your old models and units and play mass battles, but the fancy special rules and new units will be more tailored to the new game, i.e. force you to buy the new warscrolls and models to play the game competitively and keep up with the game… The focus of the new game is basically like 40K more in units and models but with more of an infantry-based fantasy/combat focus (fewer models and units, quicker games to encourage new players) but then scalable up to play larger unit sizes and battles…  ET was a diversion while GW developed and completed AoS alternative.”

That’s pretty big news if it sticks. Seems like a lot of folks were banking on a ‘full rulebook’ release, and these rumors seem to indicate quite the opposite! Only time will tell….

Age of Sigmar Roundup

Dark Angels & Age of Sigmar (Top 5 biggest Shocks) The Long War Episode 7

~I’m Ron Burgundy?