40k Chapter Approved Points Changes By Faction

By Wesley Floyd | December 13th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

draigo spire of madness lore

Now that we’ve had some time to digest the information overload from 40k Chapter Approved, join us as we break down the latest points changes.

Chapter Approved previews stormed the internet after multiple hobby Heroes on Reddit opened up the pages to everyone. There looks to be at least 16 pages of Points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Chapter Approved 2018 Points Changes


It looks like whole datasheets may have entries in the book as well on pages 140-143.

note also that some points match the values found in the corresponding codex; some of those are provided to support the updated datasheets found later in the book, while others update point values that appeared in the last edition of CA

Let’s break down the pictures piece by piece into bite-sized chunks of information.

Space Marine Characters & Wargear

CA 2018 leak 1

CA 2018 leak 2

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CA 2018 leak 15

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CA 2018 leak 14


CA 2018 leak 13

Now that you’ve scrolled through a few of the pages, let’s break down everything and see what it all means!

How Did Space Marines Turn Out?

Pedro Kantor space-marine

  • Blood Angel characters: except Gabriel Seth had points tweaks. (Dante from 215 down to 175) (Mephiston went up from 145 to 160.)
  • Space Marine characters: have dropped in some form or fashion. You may not be able to fit another tactical squad in with their reductions, but it was definitely needed and we feel like these changes are fair. It’s weird seeing a named Space Marine under 100pts.
  • Power weapons: got a hefty points reduction with the Chainfist points being cut in half. (22 to 11.)
  • Sniper Scouts: are still the best “cheap” Space Marine screening unit with Sniper Rifles points cut in half. (4 to 2.) Keep in mind, this isn’t a huge change but Space Marines need any kind of point reductions wherever they can get them.
  • Terminators: in any kind of armor variant got some love and are actually worth taking in some lists now.
  • Centurions: Used to be 80 pts a piece without wargear (Not sure what they did to make GW angry). But are now 40pts. without wargear. Remember, All kinds of weapons has gone way down as well. These guys cound now be around 50pts a piece on the table.
  • Land Raiders: are considerable now costing 200 pts without wargear (you can probably tack on another 20-40 pts). Roboute Guilliman/Knight Gallants used to cost as much as one of these things.
  • Dreadnoughts: Are on the same level as Ork Deff Dreads now. Dreadnoughts cost only 60pts. Depending on what you want him loaded out with can bring him in the upwards of 100pts ballpark. 

There’s still a ton of changes left to be talked about. These were the most significant ones we noticed in terms of competitive play

The Scoop on Grey Knights

6 Ways GW Can Make Grey Knights Great Again

  • Characters: look to have dropped at least 25 pts apiece. Draigo got cut by a whopping 60.
  • Army wide point reduction: Aside from a Servitor, nearly everything in the army including wargear got a point reduction.
  • No Full Smite: From what we can tell, the rumors about Grey Knights getting a full smite was bologna.
  • Paladins: Still look to be the better alternative to Terminators except for the fact that Terminators can be taken as Troops.
  • Heavy Incinerators: got cut in half in terms of points cost (from 40 to 19). We could see “suicide” Dreadknights deepstriking in and flaming multi-wound crowds now.

Grey Knights were designed for Daemon players to play on hard-mode. It wouldn’t make sense for them to be geared out to face every single threat out there in the universe. With that said, they were way too expensive in the first place. Romknightyt on the Reddit forum said:

That just stripped 340 points off my list…. That’s significant. This is what people were saying when they said we were playing with a handicap lol

He basically just said that he could throw a Knight in FOR FREE after these changes. These changes don’t seem too far-out and look to be well-deserved. People may blow the dust off their models and be brave enough to actually try them on the table.

Grey Knights Points Changes:


Apothecary (-15) : 90->75

Brother-Captain (-40): 150->110

Brotherhood Ancient (-38): 128->90

Brotherhood Champion (-23): 113-90

Chaplain (-39): 144->105

Dreadnought (-22): 87->65

Grand Master (-30): 160->130

GMNDK (-20): 190->170

Interceptor (-2): 23->21

Land Raider (-39): 239->200

Land Raider Crusader (-44): 244->200

Land Raider Redeemer (-64): 244->180

Librarian (-44): 157->113

Paladin Ancient (-42): 140->98

Paladin (-6): 53->47

Purifier (-7): 26->19

Servitors (+3): 2->5

Techmarine (-36): 91->55

Terminator (-2): 41->39

Venerable Dreadnought (-25): 110->85

Stern (-52): 157->105

Crowe (-45): 125->80

Voldus (-37): 190->153

Draigo (-60): 240->180


Combi-Flamer (-3): 11->8

Combi-Melta (-4): 19->15

Combi-Plasma (-4): 15->11

Dreadnought Combat Weapon (-10): 40->30

Flamer (-3): 9->6

Heavy Flamer (-3): 17->14

Heavy Incenerator (-21): 40->19

Heavy Plasma Cannon (-14): 30->16

Heavy Psycannon (-6): 30->24

Icarus Stormcannon (-12): 22->10

Incinerator (-5): 14->9

Incinerator (Terminator) (-7): 20->13

Missile Launcher (-5): 25->20

Multi-Melta (-5): 27->22

Plasma Cannon (-5): 21->16

Plasma Cutter (-2): 7->5

Psilencer (Terminator) (-2): 10->8

Psycannon (-7): 14->7

Psycannon (Terminator) (-9): 20->11

Servo-Arm (-12): 12->0

Twin Heavy Plasma Cannon (-36): 60->24

Twin Lascannon (-10): 50->40

Twin Multi-Melta (-14): 54->40

Typhoon Missile Launcher (-12): 50->38

Adeptus Mechanicus Changes

Admech has been one of the armies that weren’t exactly “sweeping the meta” in 8th edition. They weren’t in the worst spot…but they most definitely weren’t where they should be. That’s why we can see a vast amount of points drops in some key units out of their army.

Cawl 240 -> 190

Fulgrite electropriests no change

Ballistarii 50 -> 40

Breachers 30 -> 20

Destroyers 30 -> 15

Dunecrawler 90 -> 70

Servitors 2 -> 5

Infiltrators 16 -> 12

Ruststalkers 15 -> 10

Tech Priest Dominus 115 -> 80

Tech Priest Enginseer 35 -> 30

Everything in their army (including what looks to be most wargear) got some kind of points reduction. One of the most welcome changes being that Servo Arms cost 0pts. This used to be a whopping 12. When you run an army that has a Servo Arm on everyone and their grandma, you would eat up points quickly.

Last but not least, Cawl is going WAY down. 60pts to be exact. With Cawl being able to repair himself up to 3D3 in a turn as well as give some crazy rerolls, we may see the Admech Gunline archetype make an appearance.

Call_Down_For_What said: 

With the point drop and Stygies rumoured -1 to hit nerf, Cawl went from an auto-include to “Literally what are you even doing if you are playing AdMech and not using a Cawl dakka bubble?”

Tyranid Changes

tyranid swarm More 40k Starter Boxes on the Way? New Rumors SPOTTED

Tyranids were one of those armies that shook the meta when their codex came out. Then, everyone else started getting their codex and they hit the slippery slope of becoming an obsolete faction. Chapter Approved fixed a lot of the units that nobody was taking as well as a few tweaks that could bring them right back into the meta.

Broodlord: –47 points

Exocrine: – 46 points

Harpy: – 16 points

Haruspex: – 28 points

Hive Crone: – 18 points

Lictor: – 11 points

Maleceptor: –12 points

Neurothrope: +20 points (because reasons?)

Pyrovores: –13 points

Tervigon: –45 points

Toxicrene: –17 points

Tyranid Prime: –30 points (I guess this is their cheap HQ choice now)

Tyrannocyte: –28 points

Tyrannofex: –30 points

Deathleaper: –30 points

Red Terror: –25 points

Swarmlord: –50 points

Heavy Venom Cannon: –7 points

Trygon claws: –20 points

Stranglethorn: –10 points

Venom Cannon: –8 points

reddit user Caridor had this to say:

I expect to see less Neurothropes being used for cheap HQs but apart from that, great changes. Despite his amazing ability, Swarmlord was still a hard sell at 300 points, so I expect to see more of them. Toxicrenes have fantastic damage output for their cost and even more so with these changes, but they don’t suit the current meta so we’ll see how that works.

I expect to see more lists featuring Exocrines and Tyrannofexes. Tervigons might see play in a swarmy list featuring a lot of maxed out squads of termagants. Harpies and Crones might make a few appearances.

Trygons are probably going to see play and not even deep striking. They’re quick, 148 points, 14 wound monsters with 7 attacks that deal D6 damage each. If you manage to get that onslaught cast, use the swarmlord on them, they can one shot a knight and reliably chunk it down to a lower stat bracket.

Imperial Guard Changes

Astra Militarum

This one is a mind-boggler. Guard lists out there actually went down in points. Here lately, it seems like the Imperial Guard are GW’s poster child instead of Space Marines.

From user Trickstick:

4pt Guardsmen

5pt Veterans

25pt cheaper tank commanders

half price demolisher cannons

lots of vehicles are cheaper, like 10pts off armoured sentinels and 15 off chimera/hydra

Artemia pattern hellhound cannon up 20 points (same price as a Hellhound.) But still does 2 damage and blows up on 4+.

  • IG Veterans: We’re not exactly sure if 1pt more is fair to give +1 BS for Guardsmen Vets. With the way armor saves work, a even a squad of 10 regular Guardsman can make short work of some Space Marines on-foot.
  • Tank Commanders: dropped 25pts. We could see Supreme Command Detachments solely set on Leman Russ spam because of the drop.

From c0horst:

Yea, there’s literally no reason to not take 3 tank commanders now if you’re doing a leman russ heavy army. 15 points for +1 BS and orders on a Russ is great.

  • Valkyries, Scout Sentinels, Lord Commissars &More: dropped in different point values. These are minor changes. Nonetheless, we didn’t think Guard would be getting point drops quite like this.

All in all, Guard have remained as one of the meta Titans since the start of 8th. Their firepower combined with cheap bodies means that they can maintain board control and sniper hey targets that can cause problems as the game goes on.

Necrons Aren’t as Bad as They Were


Necrons were by no means a faction players were spooked about seeing on the table in 8th. They did get some welcome points drops and have some kind of Aspiring Overlord” rule coming their way. However, nothing jumped out at us that says these guys would be back and better than ever.

Named characters:

Imothekh the Stormlord: 200 > 160

Nemesor Zhandrekh: 180 > 150

Vargard Obyron: 140 > 125

Illuminor Szeras: 143 > 120

Trazyn the Infinite: 100 > 90

C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer: 210 > 180


Lord: 73 > 65

Catacomb Command Barge: 138 > 124


Warriors: 12 > 11

Immortals (including wargear): 17 > 15


Deathmarks: 19 > 17

Triach Pretorians: 22 > 16

Triach Stalker: 117 > 85. With Twin heavy Gauss Blaster: 171 > 125.

Shield Lychguard: 34 > 28

Canoptek Tomb Stalker: 165 > 130

Fast Attack:

Wraiths: 55 > 48

Canoptek Tomb Sentinel: 180 > 145

Heavy Support:

Anihilation Barge: 133 > 100

Doomsday Ark: 193 > 160

Monolith: 381 > 320

Transcendant C’tan: 225 > 200

Heavy Destroyer (or rather, his heavy gauss cannon changed): 57 > 50

Sentry Pylon (w/o wargear): 100 > 70

Tesseract Ark (w/o wargear): 220 > 160

Dedicated Transports:

Ghost Ark: 160 > 145


Night Scythe: 160 > 135

Doom Scythe: 205 > 150

Night Shroud: 220 > 185

Lords of War:

Obelisk: 426 > 380

Tesseract Vault: 496 > 566

Gauss Pylon: 550 > 475

Eldar Changes

Eldar Feature

Eldar got a few points drops here and there. Some of the more significant changes were that Eldrad dropped a bit (Even though he was still seeing play in the meta) and Shining Spears went up. This was honestly needed as they were on almost the same power level as the Blood Angel Slam Captains.

  • Wraithknight: is in a much better spot than it was. The fact that it doesn’t have an invulnerable save still hurts. but it did get hit with a crazy points cut.

Eldar Unit Changes

Dark reapers : 12 (no change)

Falcon : 110 (-15)

Farseer : 110 (no change)

Fire Dragons : 10 (+3)

Night Spinner : 110 (-25)

Shining Spears : 24 (+6)

Spiritseer : 65 (no change)

Storm Guardians : 6 (-1)

Striking Scorpions : 10 (-3)

Support Weapons : 25 (-5)

vyper : 40 (-10)

war walkers : 40 (-10)

warlock : 55 (no change)

warlock conclave : 45 (no change)

wave serpent : 120 (+13)

windriders : 16 (-2)

wraithknight : 315 (-87)

wraithlord : 85 (-18)

Avatar : 220 (-30)

Eldrad : 135 (-15?)

Fuegan : 140 (-10)

Jain Zar : 117? (-23?)

Karandras 125 (-25)

Yriel : 70 (-30)


Missile Launcher : 20 (-5)

Avenger Catapult : 3 (-1)

Biting Blade : 5 (-3)

D-Scythe : 20 (-2)

Death Spinner : 6 (-2)

Dragons Breath Flamer : 14 (-3)

Firepike : 17 (-3)

Flamer : 6 (-3)

Fusion gun : 14 (-3)

Fusion pistol : 7 (-2)

Scatter Laser : 7 (-3)

Scattershield : 30 (+10)

Scorpions Claw : 9 (-3)

Shadow Weaver : 12 (-13)

Shimmershield : 10 (-10)

Starcannon : 13 (-2)

Suncannon : 60 (- 58)

Twin Missile Launcher : 40 (-10)

Twin Scat Laser : 12 (-5)

Twin Shuri Catapult : 2 (-3)

Twin Starcannon : 24 (-4)

Vibro cannon : 15 (-15)

Wraithcannon : 15 (-2)

Tau Battlesuits & Farsight

Tau Wal Hor

From what we could tell from the pictures, Battlesuits got a lot better in the fact that they got cheaper. The best thing Tau had to offer for the longest time was either Fire Warrior Gunline or Forge World Y’vharra spam which looks to have not changed.

We’ve also got Commander Farsight and his Eight to look forward to.  It is over a 1,000 pt LOW unit now



Advanced Targeting system (All other models) 12->6

XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Battlesuit 15->10

Cyclic Ion Raker 39->32

Flamer 9->6

Fusion Blaster 21->18

Fusion Collider 35->30

High-output Burst Cannon 20->16

Ion Accelerator 65->50

Missile Pod 24->15

Plasma Rifle 11->8

Pulse Driver Cannon 97->50

Quad Ion Turret 45->30

Rail Rifle 17->12

Railgun 38->30


XV88 Broadside 60->35

XV8 Crisis 42->27

XV8 Crisis Bodyguard 45->30

TY7 Devilfish 80->70

XV95 Ghostkeel 82->70

TX4 Piranhas 38->30

TX78 Sky Ray Gunship 100->80


Farsight 151->125

Shadowsun 167->110

MV1 Gun drone 12-> 10

The Eight (22 models including drones) 1120

Heretic Astartes & Daemons


  • Great Unclean One: (cheapest variant) at 275 pts.
  • Rotigus: at 285 pts.
  • Skarbrand: now costs 330 pts. Cheaper than a Land Raider at the beginning of 8th edition (lol).
  • Bel’akor: now costs 240 pts.
  • Death Guard Daemon Prince: now costs 170 pts-ish while CSM Daemon Prince costs 180. 
  • Chaos Terminators: cost 28 pts and Imperium Terminators only 23. We’re not exactly sure why there’s such a point deficit between the two other than GW’s value in the “marks of Chaos” possible?
  • Mutilators: dropped down to just over 30pts. These guys are the melee variant of Obliterators. With only a few points more than a Chaos Terminator, these guys may be a healthy option for some kind of Khorne/melee list.

wrath and rapture logo

Slaanesh Daemon Changes

Daemonettes 7pts -> 6pts

Seekers 20pts -> 15pts

Fiends 46pts -> 42 pts

Seeker Chariot 70pts -> 50pts

Hellflayer 93pts -> 70pts

Exalted Seeker Chariot 100pts -> 80pts

Herald of Slaanesh 66pts -> 60pts

The Masque 78pts -> 66pts

Keeper of Secrets 223pts – > 165pts

Soulgrinder 235pts -> 180pts

Chaos seems to be in a better position overall. We didn’t expect there to be too many crazy point reductions on the side of the Heretic Astartes as they were in a slightly better position than their Imperium counterparts.

As for Daemons, (especially the named ones), they really needed a break. The bigger Daemons would get shot off the board turn one because of their squishy 5++ Daemon save and mediocre toughness. Regardless, these changes seem to be fair all in all.

How do you feel about the changes in Chapter Approved? Do you agree with Guard dropping in points? What Space Marine units are you going to be giving a try first? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.