BREAKING – GW Launches Another New Product Line

By Rob Baer | July 18th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

magic circles age of sigmar

If you loved GW’s Sector Imperialis base line you won’t want to miss their newest bases for the mortal realms. Checkout all the new Shattered Domains bases!

Remember this teaser from last week:


Guess what the “magic circles could also be?

Source: Scanner

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shattered domains bases shattered domains bases

And now Age of Sigmar players have options for basing their miniatures in fantastic Mortal Realms style.

Just like 40k’s Sector Imperalis the new Shattered Domains bases these will come in four different varieties with more of an emphasis on the smaller size:

  • 40 x 25mm and 30 x 32mm Round Baese $33
  • 20x 40mm and 6 x 65mm Round Bases $33
  • 20 x 60mm and 6 90mm Oval Bases $33
  • Large Basing Kit – 64 pieces $33

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So look for the new realm of battle table, new Start Collecting sets (presumably for AoS), new paint sets for the scenery, and last but not least the rumored plastic base kits for AoS models just like 40k’s Sector Imperalis! Coming in hot this week from Games Workshop!


GW’s Summer Release Roadmap