BREAKING – New 40k Rules For Deathwatch

By Rob Baer | March 29th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


The Tempestus Scions are headed to Deathwatch Overkill! Watch out Genestealer Hybrids.  Come see the new rules!

It looks like GW has deeper plans for Death Watch Overkill.  The Tempestus Scions just arrived. Who knows who could get added next.

images via Scanner


Ohh, Medi-Pack – Interesting!


Well, this should be more of a fair fight.  Also flags underground – really?


Back in the day, GW did something similar with Space Hulk, eventually releasing rules for a variety of forces fighting in those dark cramped corridors.  It looks like they are reviving the concept for Deathwatch Overkill to give the game system more variety.

Deathwatch Overkill Roundup