BREAKING – New Adeptus Mechanicus Cover Pics?

By Rob Baer | January 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

ad mech walpaper

We’ve been hearing rumors about the Adeptus Mechanicus for a few days, and now we seem to have something a bit more concrete.

This image just broke and while at first it looks to be nothing really exciting, there are some things you may want to keep in mind when you take a look at it.

Before you skip to the bottom to see the pics, do yourself a favor and re-read the description of a leaked image that Faeit’s anonymous source had seen.

“I have a little information for you on a new 40k Faction. Ive seen artwork of two soldiers in heavy but clunky grey body armour and helm, with one wielding an odd looking plasma pistol of sorts. The most striking thing about the image, with smoke and laser fire in the background, is the draping of the red cloth beneath the shoulder plating, and a symbol of the Adeptus Mechanicus on the main figures chest. All I will add right now is the book is 85pgs with datasheets and formations.”

Now let’s take a look at these pictures that Forge the Narrative just posted up.

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Seems that these images may be crops from the same picture that the source described above.  So that being said, let’s take a closer look at the image now.

  • First off it appears to be drawn in the same “digital” art style as the previous Inquisition, and Sisters of Battle supplements .
  • Second, while it’s obviously a chop job, I just ran it though Google Image Search, and there doesn’t seem to be a similar picture cataloged on the web thus far.
  • There are all the elements in this image that the source talked about from the strange weapon, to the smoke, and robes.

So it may just be the real thing, a cover for perhaps an upcoming Adeptus Mechanicus supplement.

If you’re sold on that, checkout the rest of the Ad Mech rumors from the break over HERE