BREAKING – New Blood Angels Models Spotted

By Rob Baer | November 10th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

163734_md-Allies, Blood Angels, Brofist, Fist Bump, Fistbump, Humor, Necrons

Holy cow you have to see this new chaplain model that was just spotted, it’s Space Vampire-riffic.  Checkout what may be the first model for the new Tau Mont’ka expansion.

via Lil Legend Studios (facebook) 11-10-2015

blood-angel chaplain-0

And here are two enhanced images to make things clearer:

blood-angel chaplain-1 blood-angel chaplain-2


I would assume that this guy is one of the handful of character models that is said to coming alongside the Imperial Assassins in the upcoming Mont’ka Campaign book – headed your way in a week or two.

That is just one stunning mini!  Look at that winged jump pack!  Look at the dracula-style muscled armor.  Plus a nice pose. It’s so awesome it almost makes you nostalgic for the days of that terrible, terrible original Chaplain Lemartes…


~So what’s that terminator on the right all about, is it Karlean?

Mont’ka Release Roundup

Episode 25 – Horus Heresy, Kickstarter, Adepticon OH MY