BREAKING – New Dwarf Magmadroth Pics & Rules

By Rob Baer | January 11th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

duardin magmadroth

It’s raining red hot fire this morning! Come see new pictures for the Duardin Magmadroth and all six of the new warscrolls that are in White Dwarf 103!

The beast has a name, now we know what we saw back in WD 102! Behold the new Duardin Magmadroth in all it’s glory!

Via Scanner 1-11-2016

white dwarf 103

duardin magmadroth rules

duardin magmadroth rules

Wow well looks like there is two different builds of the Magmadroth coming soon as the new issue features SIX big warscolls.

The kit will be priced at $110, making it one of the most expensive beast kits for Warhammer Fantasy / Age of Sigmar ever. However it may also be one of the largest, as the base appears on par with Archaon’s.

Checkout the rest of the new pictures and warscolls in our roundup below!

New Duardin Magmadroth, WD issue 103


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