BREAKING – New GW Terrain Supplement Spotted

By Rob Baer | July 20th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Looks like the Mortal Realms are getting a new Terrain Battletome this week. Come see what was just spotted for Age of Sigmar today!

Source: IMGUR

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That some pretty cool rules for the new boards that are coming out. And not we’re getting a full supplement of terrain just like the Chaos Dreadholds.

So new battleplans, 6 new Warscrolls, and of course the rules for the Shattered Dominion board as well. Looks like another ‘must have’ for AoS players out there this week as well!

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So look for the new realm of battle table, new Start Collecting sets (presumably for AoS), new paint sets for the scenery, and last but not least the rumored plastic base kits for AoS models just like 40k’s Sector Imperalis! Coming in hot this week from Games Workshop!

GW’s Summer Release Roadmap