BREAKING – Skaven Rat Ogre Stormfiends

By Rob Baer | January 9th, 2015 | Categories: End Times, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Skaven walpaper We had heard the ‘chatter’ since Thanquol leaked, and these new models appear to be the up-armored ogres that had been speculated.

The leak appears to have come via the digital preview for Thanquol. I guess we know what Clan Moulder has been up too in the under-kingdom now! Plus we haven’t heard the last from the Grey Seers either, as it looks like there is a new caster clam pack on the way too.

Full Skaven / End Times Rumor Roundup

via Mexican Ork 

10885130_10204566616943867_7892437439480873115_n 10406884_902602666439985_3253522296070848596_n   skaven_grey_seer

Full Skaven / End Times Rumor Roundup
