Someone has the new Kauyon campaign book early, and is spilling the delicious xenos beans. Come see all the new rules ASAP!
Grab some popcorn folks, it’s Q&A Time with Iuchiban!
Via Iuchiban 10-23-2015

Yes there is, and looks powerful:
Hunter Contingent:
Consists of:
0-1 Command
1+ Basic
1-10 AuxiliariesCommand:
– 1 Commander or Shadowsun
– 0-1 Ethereal or Aun’va or Aun’shi
– 1-2 Crisis bodyguardsBasic (Hunder Cadre):
1 Commander
0-1 Fireblade
0-1 Crisis Bodyguards
3-6 Strike, Breacher or Kroot
1-3 Stealht, Ghostkeels, Riptides or Crisis.
1-3 Scouts, Piranhas, Vespid, Drones
1-3 Broadsides, Hammerhead, Stormsurge, SniperRules for Hunter Cadre:
– Defensive fire at 12″
– Can run and the shoot. In this order.Rules for Hunter Contigent:
– Reroll Warlord trait
– Units can combine their shooting attacks, and shoot as if they were a single unit. So they can get benefit from special rules and the same markerlight, for example. This is really, really powerful.So Hammerheads and Skyrays in squadrons of 3 get BS 5 natively?
Let’s go with the formations:
Hunter Cadre (see previous posts)
Retallion Cadre
– 1 Commander
– 3 units of Crisis
– 1 Broadside unit
– 1 Riptide unit
Rules: Relentless
+1 BS when Deep striking
May choose to enter from reserves in turn 2 via Deep Strike. This includes Broadsides.Heavy Retribution Cradre (see previous posts)
Infiltration Cadre
– 3 Pathfinder units
– 2 Stealth battlesuit units
– 1 Piranha unit
Rules: If one unit of the formation is destroyed, rest of the formation enters from reserve next turn automatically.
If an enemy unit gets hit by 3 or more markerights from this formation, you get a free Seeker missile hit to this unit.Optimised Stealth Cadre (See previous posts).
Firebase Support cadre
– 2 units of battlesuits
– 1 unit Riptides
Note that they do not have to be max size like before
Rules: They formation can combine their shooting attacks and shoot as a single unit. When doing so, they get Tank and monster hunter SR.Armored Interdiction Cadre
– 3 Units of Hammerheads
– 1 Unit of Sky Rays
Rules: Choose a point in the battlefield. When shooting to a unit at 6″ or less from this point, reroll to hit.Air Support cadre:
– 1 Sun Shark Bomber
– 1 Razorshark Strike Fighter
Rules: Ignore shaken and stunned with 2+.
Beginning of the turn, roll a D6 for each lost hull point. If you roll a 6, recover 1 HP.Allied Advanced Cadre
– 4 units of Kroot
– 2 units of Vespids
Rules: Vespids get Infiltration and Stealth (Forests)
Kroot at 12″ from Vespid units, get Obscured (Forests) instead of Stealth (Forests), and get +1 BS
They all get supporting fire with other units of the formation..
May be this is a bit confusing. The rule says (will try to translate as accurately as posible):
– Any time a unit of the Hunter Contigent shoots, any other unit of the same Detachment, that still can shoot can join their fire power to the attack. Those units have to shoot to the same unit, as if they were a single unit; this includes use of markerlight tokens. If 3 or more units shoot this way, they get +1 to BS.
I think is pretty clear: They can benefit for example from the Tankhunter or monster hunter as you only need a model in a unit to get this rule. Special rules that apply to weapons only do not get any boost.
The Firblade will boost all units that shoot with him, as attack is resolved as a single unit.
Very powerful.
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