Come see lots more rules reveals about the new Tau Kauyon campaign book! Someone got the new book early, and is sharing!
Grab some popcorn folks, it’s Q&A Time with Iuchiban!
Via Iuchiban 10-23-2015

1) Has vectored retro thrusters changed (the support system that gave units hit and run)?
2) Is iridium armour still limited to 1 per detachment?
1) No changes
2) Iridium armour is a signature system, so only one per army.
So, if the Stealth team cadre thingy rules makes shots hit the rear, does that mean that Wave Serpents would get no benefit from their shields?
The rule says clear that they are hit in the rear, so I would say that Serpent shield will not work. Necron shields will not work either ….
Age of Tau begins!!!!
Thanks Iuchiban. I have one more question. Do bonding knives offer the same bonus?
Yes. Remains the same
– How many drones are in the Drone list? Can any unit grab the 6++ drone? And the Pathfinder’s special drones? Are Missile drones available to more units?
– where is Tide Wall in all of this?
Drones are as always: Missiles drones only for Broadsides. Strike teams can purchase the 6+ Drone, but they do not have or can purchase the amplifier thing. Pathfinders drones are the same.
I am really surprised, but the Tidewall is NOT in the codex.
What’s the actual makeup of the Stealth Cadre?
I know its 1 Ghostkeel, 2 Stealth Suits, but is there room here? Like 2-4 Stealth Suits or 1-2 Ghostkeel or something?
It is:– 1 unit of Ghoskeels
– 2 units of Stealth BattlesuitsThat’s it.
Do Cadre Fireblades and their units still require to be still to grant Volley Fire?
What are the extra things Devilfishes have access now? Their page in WD seems to have more options than the 6e
Can Firesight Marksman (Sniper Drone Team) fire at a different target than the unit?
Does Stormsurge really miss Blacksun filter? Or is it listed somewhere in the armour page?
Are Riptides still forbidden to grab Vectored Retro-Thrusters?
1. Yes
2. Devilfish is 100% same
3. No
4. Does not have it or access to it.
5. Yes. Only Crisis and Stealth battlesuits can get one.
What’s the composition of the formation with stormsurges and ghostkeel?
– 1 Unit of Ghostkeels
– 2 units of StormsurgesAre Kroot weapons the same? Kroot, Shaper, Krootox?
Yes. All the same.
Thank you. Can you confirm that the firebase cadre can be composed by any units o battlesuits?
Firebase Support cadre is:
– 2 units of broadsides
– 1 unit of RiptidesAnd just for clarification, Markerlights are the exact same except that for one point they can turn the Stormsurge’s Destroyer Missiles into Strength D right?
I am afraid that the wording is the same as in previous codex.
1 markelight token boosts 1 Destroyer missiles fro S8 to SD. Rest of Markerlight uses remains the same.
– Does Feel no Pain costs 15 or 35 for the Stormsurge?
– If the Hunter Cadre can run and shoot, what’s the point in using Ethereal’s Water ability?Stormsurge cannot purchase FnP thing. It already has that rule for being Gargantuan Creature.
Ethereal water invocation is: Snap shot and then run. In this order
Hunter Cadre is run and shot. In this order.Just noted that Hunter Cadre vehicles can as well move flat out and then shot. That’s good for Fusion Piranhas … mmm interesting. By the way it only works if unit is at 12″ from the commander before running or moving flat out.
Woha, that’s important!
Wait… the bolded part; does that mean that any unit wanting to run and shoot must be near the commander?
Ah, and is the Holophton Countermeasures written just like the WD article? OR did they clarify it a bit?
Is the Stormsurge Pulseblaster 15p or 5p?Yes. I think its fair. There has to be some restriction somewhere, right?
Is there any word on the Interceptor Drones that come with the Sun Shark Bomber? Previously these had the Skyfire rule (rather than Velocity Trackers) that made their overcharge weapon option useless (can’t snapshot a blast weapon at ground units, or target a flyer with a blast weapon)
Interceptor Drones have Skyfire and Interceptor. Lazy codex design I would say …
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